The Gate. (322)

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The sound of the crispy winter wind trying to force itself through the cracks of my boarded up window wakes me up. When I open my eyes I watch as the light also attempts to shine through the gaps. Fangs rests at the bottom of my bed. The light shines on his closed eyes and I watch as he tries to use his paws to block the light instead of moving.

I take a deep breath as my head tries to untangle itself of all the drama from yesterday. Kara lays on my chest, soundly asleep. I don't want to move from the bed and wake her, but also because I don't want to find out that Kai left. I know he has and even though it would break my heart, I completely understand. I've been a shitty friend.

I had so many chances to tell him. When I told him up in the bell tower he didn't believe me because of how drunk I was. I should've pressed the subject. I shouldn't made sure he knew but instead I lied, because I'm a coward.
I sigh.

Whatever happened to the girl who escaped the train carts? She was fearless and strong and acted like she didn't have anything to lose, that's what made her unpredictable and dangerous.

I'm still dangerous, but not in the same way. I'm dangerous to be around because I either break your heart or get you killed. I've gone soft. I remember I used to fear that. I remember when Carl said to me that this place would make us weak and forget the outside world. He was right. I need to grow up. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I place my hand on Kara's back and soothingly trace her tiny arms, fingers and pea-sized nails. I watch as her lips curl slightly and I can't help but return the gesture. She changes my mood so quickly. I'm head over heels for her, I'm so madly in love with her but that still doesn't change what happened.

She stirs in her sleep and I freeze not wanting to wake her but only a millisecond later she opens her eyes and the room fills with loud cries. I rub my eyes. I couldn't have expected anything else. She finally slept the whole night through without waking.

I place her in her cot and quickly change into a jumper and jeans. I don't have time to put on a shirt underneath. I throw on my socks and shoes and then dash over to her to bring her downstairs.

When I reach the kitchen Rick is already awake. Fangs prances past me and runs in small circles until he finds a comfortable spot on the floor to sit down on.

Daryl and Jesus stand next to Rick. A map is sprawled across the kitchen table and they make large circles and markings on it. They all look up when I walk in with my cantankerous baby. I smile apologetically.

I grab one of her bottles from the fridge and heat it up. I cradle her in my arms as I wait for the milk to heat. I glance at the clock above the kitchen door.
She slept longer than I thought, so did I.
The longer I try to coddle her the louder she screams. I sigh in frustration as I push my hair out of my face.

"Here." A voice calls.
I look over to see Jenna walk in the door. She hands me a tie for my hair. I hold up Kara in my arms to emphasis that my hands are full. She walks over to me and quickly sweeps my hair up into a careless half-up-half-down bun. My short hair barely reaches the bun at all. It just hangs loose.
"There, now you officially look like a new mom." She teases.
I roll my eyes. "Thanks."

Finally the milk is ready and I test it on my elbow before feeding it to Kara. The moment the bottle touches her lips her cries stop and the room is silent once more.
"Sorry." I mumble to everyone.

"So you know why I'm up early. But why are you? Don't you have a "don't wake me up before 11:30am or I'll cut you" policy?" I mock.
She snickers. "Are you kidding me ? I could hear that thing screaming from across the street." She teases. "I uh, I actually came here to see how you're doing. We haven't gotten to talk in a while and considering everything that's happened..."

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