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bumble 🥰
you wanna hang soon?

omiii 💍
i need to pack suuuuppppeeerrrr
bad, but you can come over
here and hang out :)

bumble 🥰
what are you packing for?

omiii 💍
my label just told me that i have
a few interviews in florida... i'll
only be gone for a few days

bumble 🥰
i'm gonna miss you,
even if it is for a few days

omiii 💍
i'm gonna miss you too b,
i'm too damn used to your
presence smh 🤦‍♀️

bumble 🥰
is that a bad thing 😂

omiii 💍
but anyway, are you
coming over?

bumble 🥰
i'm already otw 😬

omiii 💍

omiii 💍

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