real life

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brandon and naomi woke up around 2 that afternoon, but they stayed where they were until 3. when they got up, each of them brushed their teeth and what not before getting in the car.

"wanna hang out at the studio until the party?" brandon asked naomi. the pair had gone over to naomi's so she could change.

"okay but we're getting pizza," naomi answered. she grabbed a bag and threw her laptop in it. she found a change of clothes for the party and tossed that in too.

"domino's?" brandon asked. he was ordering on his phone.

"yes, and we have to get pepperoni," naomi told him. once she finished, she swung the bag onto her shoulder and followed brandon out of her house.


"is there something specific you need to work on while we're here?" naomi asked brandon. the two were in the studio, each of them had a slice of pizza in their hands.

"no, you?" he responded. naomi shook her head.

"we should go live," brandon suggested.

"ooo yes," naomi agreed. brandon grabbed his phone and set it up on the table. he started a live and within seconds there were a thousand viewers and counting.

"hey guys, i'm in the studio. i'm with a very special guest," brandon said. he turned his phone toward naomi. she hopped out of her chair and walked toward the table. she took a seat next to brandon.

"hello," naomi said with a tiny wave.

"you guys should make a song or something," brandon read one of the comments out loud.

"ooo that's a good idea," naomi said. she grabbed her laptop and began setting everything up.

"naomi, they wanna know when you're gonna release more music," brandon said, he turned toward naomi.

"my new song EX is dropping this friday. i got some help from this legend right here," naomi said, nudging brandon with her elbow.

"it really is a great song y'all," brandon said.

"okay, so i was playing with this drum beat earlier and we could just work off of that," naomi told brandon. she played the beat. brandon started grooving his head.

"yeah i like that," he said. brandon started to hum a tune and naomi added onto it. together they had made some sort of makeshift melody. they both grinned and nodded.

"well i think we know where we're heading," naomi laughed. she turned her head to read a few comments. most of them were people gushing about how cute they were together. a lot of them were about the moment they just had. she smiled slightly at the comments before turning back to her laptop.

"we should add another snare to it," naomi said. she went through a couple of sounds before picking one.

"taking sweet sweet time," brandon sang. naomi smiled.

"i like that," she said, grinning. naomi had to keep playing the beat so she could add and time things right.  meanwhile, brandon kept talking with the viewers.

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