real life

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fomo was coming to an end.

they all knew it was going to happen, and somehow they were all sad and excited at the same time. the group wanted to go home, but they knew they were gonna miss the constant rush of performing and traveling.

"i know that i'm still gonna see you guys every day, but we aren't gonna be living together and i feel like i'm gonna miss you guys," naomi said.

"i feel the same way," edwin stated.

"me too," brandon said, hugging naomi. he placed his chin on the top of her head.

"aww, i'm gonna miss this tour so much," zion said, fake crying.

"same," nick said, wiping a fake tear away.

"oh bring it in guys," austin said, putting his arms around brandon and naomi. the other boys opened their arms ;), and joined the hug as well.

"i cannot breathe," naomi said as the five boys squeezed her.

"i just love you guys," nick said, he started jumping up and down.

"nick stop," brandon playfully shouted.

"wait no, nick seriously," zion said just as everyone started to tip over. all six of them fell over into one big pile.

"nick, come on man," edwin complained. everyone rolled off of each other so they were side by side on the floor.

"you guys are the best and the worst at the same time," naomi said, laughing.


the show had started and everyone was on stage saying their final thanks of the tour. naomi turned around to realize that the boys had run off of the stage.

"i guess it's the naomi tour for a few more minutes," naomi joked with the crowd. all of a sudden everyone started screaming. naomi turned around to see that she was surrounded by five boys, and each had two cans of silly string.

"no!" naomi shrieked as she tried to run away, but brandon caught her by the waist before gently shoving her back so that the boys could spray her.

naomi curled into a ball as she was hit by silly string in every direction. once the boys finally finished, naomi laid back on the stage laughing. zion was rolling across the floor and nick had doubled over, both of them overcome with fits of laughter. austin was running around, hyped that their prank worked. edwin just stood there cackling and brandon had gone over and laid next to naomi while they both laughed uncontrollably.

"that was the best way to go out," zion said into his mic, in between laughs. everyone eventually calmed down enough to stand up side by side with their arms around each other.

"alright well on that note, we'd like to say one final thing to this lovely crowd," naomi said into her mic after pulling her arm from behind nick's back.

"thank you and goodnight!" they all shouted before running off of the stage.


𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 ; 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚Where stories live. Discover now