Chapter 55

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Camila's POV

She ran her hand down my back, taking me closer, introducing more and more of her hot tongue into my mouth. I held her hair tight, surrendering to the intense passion that always runs through my body when she touches any part of her. A frustrated sigh escaped when she finished the kiss.

"Camila, don't irritate me..." she murmured, even with her eyes closed, as she bit my lower lip.

I leaned my forehead against hers, keeping my lips always closest to hers.

Her green eyes didn't break the connection with mine, her hand rested on my leg, caressing it. I took my head to one side and quickly kissed her cheek, trying to break the hot weather that was quickly going to settle between us.

I focused my gaze on hers and felt my stomach turn to see the brightness that was in it. A smile spread over her now red lips, cause of the kiss.

"I sometimes try to understand what your eyes say..." I murmured, caressing her face.

"And is it working?.." she asked

"Perhaps.." I said

I let go of her arms, leaving the comfort of her lap to see that her gaze was becoming more intense.

And more dangerous.

"Hey, what happened?" Imagine if she made everything easy. I sinned when I answered looking her eyes, denying.
Obviously I didn't convince her. I didn't even do it.

"What are you so afraid of, Camila?"

"Lauren, all this is very scary..." I sighed. "Not a week ago since we resigned after so much time and each one following different paths. My heart took a big hit..."

Lauren's POV

I didn't have a chance to answer, Camila ran away, leaving me clear that she wanted to be alone. I sat in one of the small steps leading to the garden.

It's true... I started analyzing the facts. It's crazy, but what in all my history with Camila wasn't? Maybe she isn't very sure of what she wants, or maybe I'm pushing hrr a lot. I can't judge, I have no control over my heart, since I found Camila for me it was as if we had never separated.

There are things that are so clear in my mind and that my eyes deliver them every second, that I do not feel that I need to speak out loud. I think I misinterpreted Camila's actions, I judged everything from the beginning believing that she feels the same as me. What may not be completely true.

I didn't find it necessary to warn her that I would leave. I took my bag, my cell phone and went to the streets of the small town. I went directly to the library.

The satisfaction of seeing several of my books there made me smile.

"Lauren Jauregui?" a thick voice rang behind me, I turned, smiling.

"Yes?" I answered

"I can't believe it's you" his eyes widened "I have all your books" my smile lengthened "can you autograph me on something?"

"Of course, and thanks." I said

"You're welcome..." his smiled "can it be my shirt?" I nodded,he looked for a pen.

"What is your name?"

"John" I autographed the back of his shirt "do you have something to do today at night?" I shock my head no "Aye what a that besides being a devourer born of your books, I find you very cute. It would be an honor to have dinner with you Lauren Jauregui."

Camila's POV

I would like to be able to give myself up, let things flow... but I don't want to pay to see what it is going to give. I fought a lot to block Lauren after we finished, I took to get that feat and in two seconds, when her eyes meet with mine, boom she knocks down everything I built.

I have matured in recent years, I was forced to do so living in a different country, I do nothing without first measuring the consequences.

And something hinders me when Lauren starts talking about feelings. Just like when I lose my mind when she touch me.

The correct thing would be to pack my bags and leave. But I can't do it. Not with her.
It is as if I wanted to prove something to myself, to prove to myself that what happened was a rapid decay, a desire of the moment. The problem is that I know it's not like that.

I went down looking for Lauren, I needed, at least, to ask for an apology for the way I walked away.

"Lauren?" I called, not finding her in the living room, or in the kitchen, much less out on the railing. I went up, afraid that she had done what I didn't have the courage to do...I was relief when I saw that all her things were on her foom

'It's okay, Camila, she will return soon.'
I bit my lips saying that to myself and stayed at the door, distressed.

Hello guys! I truly apologise for not updating for almost over a month.
We are 1 month closer to exams and school's literally fucking me up

Have a nice day/night, and if you want me to continue the story vote or smt :)

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now