Chapter 91

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Lauren's POV

I flexed my fingers as I walked to Camila, my heart was accelerating with each step, until I stopped in front of her.

She gave me a shy smile and tangled a bit of hair on her finger, clearly showing that she was nervous. Everything is strangr, we don't know how to approach the other.

"Hello!" I dared to start, she bit her lips, I restrained a moan as I ran my eyes up to them.

"Hi!" she replied, with a nervous smile.

"Hey, relax please" I asked, placing my hands in my trouser pockets to prevent me from touching her "I think we need to talk..." I said in a sigh, she nodded "but not here" I made a gesture.

"I'm with my sister.." she frowned "besides, she called me to see if it would take me very long."

"Hm ... Sofia, right?" she nodded, I smiled remembering the girl who came to talk to me "maybe we could leave her with my mom and go out for a coffee?"

Camila agreed without any problem. I went ahead with my car and she back with her taking Sofia.

"My good!" my mom hugged Camila with love  "wr were worried about you..." she touched her face "how is everything with the clinic?" I closed my eyes, leaning against the door.

"Everything is back on track, thank God." she smiled her sister saw the scene with a mixture of surprise and admiration. I smiled at her, making her blush. It's clear that she is completely confused.

She is my sister too, she came to spend a few days here. I hugged her sideways.
Dona Clara loved it at the same moment.

"Oh, how beautiful" she smiled "wait two seconds..." turned back "CHRIS!" she shouted "COME HERE!"

In two seconds my brother appeared, with a sleepy face and slightly disheveled hair. I laughed loudly when he saw Sofia and tried to accommodate them.

I told my mom that I would take Camila to a coffee shop and asked her to take care of her sister, which Clara accepted in a good way. Although she isn't exactly the one who is going to stay with the girl...

"Do you like to play video games?" my brother adked. The young woman nodded, embarrassed "seriously?" he said, scared, with a twinkle in his eyes "I have several games, come and see them..." he took her hand, making Camila laugh. Hell, how I missed that laugh.

"Ok Sofi, don't miss me much" she teased, seeing her sister leave without even saying goodbye.

We went out in silence and went in my car. Completely silent. Camila had her eyes downcast, which, for being stupidly weak, made me feel the urge to take her in my arms, but it isn't so easy, not after everything that happened since she left as a fugitive from that damn house.

If she is so adult to do that, that she is so adult to face the consequences.

We sat at a table away from the curious glances we were likely to receive, and while pretending to be enjoying our coffee, we began to talk.

"I.." she sighed, letting go of the cup "I know I didn't have to leave that way, but I couldn't contain the urge to return as quickly as possible."

I watched her a few seconds before answering.

"How muc time would you lose writing a note and throwing it on me?" I leaned back against the chair, lightly blowing the coffee, while I looked over the cup.

"Lauren, you are a wonderful person..." she said and I drank the half bitter content
"and I thought it would be better if you had the opportunity to meet someone who could be present at all times..." I closed my eyes "someone who isn't me" she looked at her hands again "because I'm not even half of what you deserve.."I opened my mouth to answer, but she continued, faster
"and I don't have much time available, my work It occupies practically everything." she looked up "the only time I stop is in the night, when I go to bed and fall asleep."

"Camila, why didn't you just ask me what I want?" I raised an eyebrow, finding everything crazy "this life is mine, I know what is best for me."

I dropped the cup.

"Vecause deep down I knew you were not going to leave me" she admitted in a sigh. "I knew you were going to give me all the support in the world" I nodded.

"And then why did you leave?"

"Because I also know that you were going to hold it all quiet, that you were going to be content with that and that isn't what a person like you deserves."

"Oh, I don't deserve to have a pretty woman by my side? I don't deserve to be with the person I most appreciate and love the most in the world? I don't deserve to have the opportunity to protect the only person that makes me really smile?" I asked

"It's not that..."

"Then tell me what Camila is, because honestly I don't see anything else"
I did not allow her to respond
"you can't simply decide what is best for me, you should have consulted me before, excuse me, but I think I know what goes on in my head" I ended up exalting myself "because you have no idea how bad it made me wake up and realize that I was alone... and all the things I thought about."

"The last thing I wanted was to hurt you..." he said in a low voice "I just didn't see myself in the right to be happy at that moment and not to prevent you from being happy."

"Well, I would be happy sitting at home waiting for you to get very tired to talk"
I observed "would be happy having two seconds of your attention" she bit her lip
"I would be happy watching your sleep without letting anyone wake you up.." my voice came out a little higher "but I don't know how to be happy away from you, so stop trying to escape, try to put obstacles in everything, shit.."
I felt the irritation grow.

"Well, Camila, you should not have left me like that."

She stayed still, with her eyes slightly covered in tears, however I was on top of my irritation, and had been keeping all this for several days, so I couldn't stop talking, although it hurt more than death to make her cry.

"Understand once and for all that you aren't me and that regardless of what I decide to do you are nobody to decide what I want" I diminished my tone when I saw that I was beginning to attract some glances "and your clinic, it'ss good that it's important, but it is crazy to live around that, it is crazy to be around the clock depending on those people..."

"You don't understand, Lauren, no one understands it" she turned away from the chair "I need to help those people, I need to take them out of that world" her lips trembling as she spoke "they are nothing more than a few addicts without perspective of life, they don't think to have a future, they only think about how to get money to feed the addiction..."
I saw her, perplexed with everything she said, it's incredible "most of them run the risk of not even waking up the next morning" I narrowed my eyes "I can't let them get to the point you arrived at, I need to save them before they reach the point of playing with stupid sticks before the bath, I can't allow them to reach the deplorable state that you reached."

Her words were like a slap in my face.
I stared at her, perplexed, searching in that altered woman for some recognizable trace of the Camila that I learned to love.
I got up, impressed with everything she said. I shook my head, giving her one last look and left.

A thousand times more hurt than I arrived.

I probably never felt as small and
as offended as I am now.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now