Team Sloth?

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Summer: pssst... Hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N): *groans* 5 more minutes...

Summer: Nora's about to pour water on you!

(Y/N): What!

You jump up instantly. But it was too late. A bucket of water was thrown onto you... including the bucket itself.

Nora: Wake up sleepy head!!!

Ren: Sorry. I tried to stop her.

(Y/N): No, I needed that. Besides, we are going to be fighting Grimm for initiation. Anything beats that.

Ren: *hums in agreement* We're heading out to the cafeteria. Care to join us?

(Y/N): Of course.

Nora: See, he's already one of us. He should be on our team... OH TEAMS!!! How could we be on the same team!?

Ren/(Y/N): Oh boy...

Timeskip brought to you by... sloths?

You were all trying to have breakfast peacefully, but Nora has been monologuing about cheating the system and trying to be on a team together.

Nora: Ooh! We should come up with some sort of plan! To make sure we end up on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work, he has the school.


You were in the locker room. You finally get to use the armour you bought a few weeks back. Unfortunately the whole experience was ruined by a certain ginger.

Nora: I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal! *gasps* A secret signal so we can all find each other in the forest! Can you both imitate a sloth?

(Y/N): What? *secures wrist armour* Do they even make a noise?

Ren: *holsters stormflower* Yeah, I don't think sloths make a lot of noise Nora.

Nora: ...that's why it's perfect!

(Y/N): What have we done?

Nora: No one will suspect we are working together.

Ren: Come on Nora. Let's go. We'll see you later (Y/N). *walks off*

Nora: Keep an ear out for sloths, got it?! Ok thanks. Bye (Y/N)! *follows Ren*

(Y/N): Bye guys.

You finish putting on your armour. Gotta admit, you look amazing.

Ruby: I wonder what those two were so worked up about.

You look to your left to see Ruby and Yang.

(Y/N): Something along the lines of cheating the team making system.

Ruby: Oh (Y/N)! I didn't see you there!

Yang: Sweet armour? And a sick ass cape along side it? Mama likes~

You chuckle and rub the back of your neck. You then see Ruby death glaring at Yang? You ignore it.

(Y/N): Yeah... Had it for a few weeks now. Only just tried it for the first time.

Yang: Oh I love that feeling! Trying out new clothes after waiting ages! What was it like?

(Y/N): I was hoping for an Ironman like suit up sequence but it was ruined by said girl from earlier.

Ruby: A what like suit up?

(Y/N): Never mind. So Ruby, you seem more... not depressed? A lot more chipper.

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