Return of a leader

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Nobodies POV
Jaune was shoved towards the ground by Cardin, before being picked up again and punched in the head towards the ground once more. He then grabs Jaune by the collar.

Cardin: You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy. I'm gonna make sure that they send you back to mommy melted down and poured into this jar. But until then... *hands Russel the dead sap* We're gonna make sure you suffer, and know what exactly you just brought to yourself.

Jaune: I don't care what you do to me. But you are not killing my team.

Cardin: What, you think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?

Jaune only chuckles in response. In a rage, Cardin reels back a punch before striking Jaune in the face. However, it is blocked by his aura, sending a blinding light everywhere. Cardin then holds his hand in pain as Jaune observes his, both coated in white aura. He then gets kicked to the ground by Sky.

Cardin: *takes the dead sap* Let's see how much of a man you really are.

Suddenly loud roaring his heard from behind all of them as an Ursa Major emerges from the forest. It then starts sniffing around, detecting red sap on Cardins' chest piece. In response, the Ursa directly roars at Cardin as the rest of team CRDL runs away.

Russel: That's a big Ursa!

Cardin is then swiped by the Grimm, knocking him to the side. The Ursa completely ignores Jaune as it follows to where Cardin landed. Cardin then pulls out both the dead sap and his mace, but they both get knocked away by the Grimm, Making Cardin completely defenceless.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Author rewatching RvB again because he needs to fill a Caboose shaped hole in his soul.


(Y/N): Hey Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: Yeah?

(Y/N): You ever wonder why we are here?

Pyrrha: We're... collecting sap?

(Y/N): No, I mean... wait... is that roaring?

Ruby: You guys heard that too?

Suddenly you see team CRDL (minus one Cardin) running away from... something.

Russel: Ursa! Ursa!

Never mind.

Russel then bumps into Yang. She then lifts him up by the collar.

Yang: What? Where?

Russel: Back there! It's got Cardin!

(Y/N): Oh come on. He always plays a big manifesto of him being so tough. Let's see him live up to it.

Pyrrha then drops her jar of sap,

Pyrrha: Jaune!

(Y/N): Oh... that might be a problem. *summons sword*

Ruby: Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch.

Pyrrha: You two, go with them! There could be more.


You, Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha arrive to see Cardin crawling away from a Ursa Major.

Pyrrha: Oh no.

The Ursa then slashes, but only to be blocked by Jaune. As he was holding back the Grimm, you couldn't help but smile. Weiss then gets ready to attack.

Pyrrha: Wait!

(Y/N): He needs this.

Jaune then knocks the paw away and slashes at the chest of the Grimm. The Ursa then swings its claws downwards, sending Jaune into a rolling dodge. He then jumps over a horizontal slash, before being knocked away by a follow up attack. He recovers quickly and runs back for another attack. That goes wrong as he is knocked away again when he leaped forward to attack. Jaune then looks to see his aura in the red. Regardless, he pulls a war cry and charges towards the Ursa. You saw that he wasn't paying attention to his defence, and one more hit will shatter his aura. But before you could intervene, you saw Pyrrha FINALLY use her semblance. Polarity. She then subtly altered the position of Jaunes shield without him knowing. As a result, he successfully blocked the Ursas' attack and cleanly decapitated the Grimm.

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