14 One Gone

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shoutout to @katieidk2018 for making me beyooond excited about writing this chapter

fyi, changed Abraham's nickname to Slip, idk why, I was feeling it.


"Do I tuck the dress inside the cast or I put the whole cast over the dress?" I ask sarcastically, making Carter laugh.

"I think it looks good." Dave says, clearly not aware that I'm sarcastic. I turn to smile at him but lose my balance and he quickly tightens his hold on me.

"You know, crutches exist for a reason?" I switch my gaze between the two boys holding me while we clumsily make our way to Wes's house.

"Yeah, they'll help you when we're not around." Carter says and lifts me off the ground for a second. "But I don't go to the gym for nothing."

I roll my eyes once he settles me back on my feet, well, foot.

"There's your boy." Carter says and I follow his gaze in the direction of the house owner leaning against the front door. His eyes skim over my figure and I fight the blush that creeps on my neck.

His gaze lingers on my cast and I can see him fight a smile, but that's Wes for you.

"Go through the back door." He tells the boys behind me as we approach him while slipping a hand around my waist. I place my hand on his chest to keep myself steady. He chuckles down at me and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck off, Wes." I tell him, preventing any teasing he might start.

"Adorable. I visit you at the hospital every day and don't even get a thank you." He fakes a pout.

"You look ridiculous." I comment, wrinkling my nose.

"Says the girl with a cast on."

My eyes narrow at his but he only shakes his head and leans down to place a kiss on my lips. It's crazy how much I've missed his touch, which is why my hands immediately go into his hair. He wastes no time in grabbing my ass, still making sure to keep me standing. He bites my bottom lip and a sigh escapes my mouth. I'm breathless when we pull away and he smirks at that.

"C'mon. Let's get inside." He says and opens the door for me. I grab my crutches and use them to walk myself inside.

After a minute or two of shuffling through the sweaty bodies and drunk dancers, I manage to get to the terrace, where most of my friends are.

"I have to go do something. I'll be back." Wes whispers in my ears before parting with me. I nod and awkwardly detach from him, suddenly feeling more wobbly since he's not here to support me anymore. I take a tight grip on my crutches but don't move very far, since I bump into a girl, who looks up at me. She smiles softly before attempting to fix her glasses.

"Sorry." She mutters. Her eyes remind me of someone but I can't exactly pinpoint who. "Do you know where Wes might be?"

"Wes?" I raise an eyebrow. I highly doubt there's any other Wes at this party but I'm also really curious as to why she needs him.

"Yeah. The one and only." She looks at the floor shyly.

"He went off somewhere." I answer, not wanting to look suspicious of this girl. For all I know she is a distant ex or a long time friend I have yet to meet.

"Oh." She looks around kind of disappointed. Then she runs her hands through her silky hair and lifts her head to face me. "Could you tell him to come by the front doors once he comes back? I'll probably still be there."

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