Chapter 19

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"Wake up bitches!" Tokyo yelled as she, Amber, Supa, and Judy woke up Keisha and T.j.

"Come on, so we can get dressed" Amber shook Keisha and Tokyo pushed T.j., they slowly started waking up.

"I'm tired"

"Of what, get your ass up"


"Get the fuck up"

"Come on y'all, they start the parade in the morning, even though the real party is at night" Supa said.

"This bitch want us to match our clothes" Judy said pointing to Tokyo.

"She had us match riding the plane here" T.j said yawning.

"I saw y'all were cute yesterday"

"What's traditional Mardi Gras wear" Keisha asked.

"It's not really traditional we just wear really vibrant colors"

"What are we wearing?"

"White pants and this green Mardi Gras shirt and some white air forces"

"Bitch I don't have air forces" Amber said.

"I saw you wearing some the other day"

"They're at home"

"Well, they didn't bring any either so we just going to have to buy some"

"I hate you hoe"

"I love you bitches too" Keisha and T.j quickly got in the shower and they all changed into their matching clothes and wore some slides until they got their shoes.

"I hope ain't no sand or dirt is involved in any of this shit cause if I'm going to buy some white crispy clean ass shoes they better stay that way" Keisha said.

"If you not rough on shoes they will"

"Whatever" Tokyo smiled and wrapped her arm around Supa and Amber.

"Awe, I have all of my sisters with me this weekend"

Not all, we're forgetting about Mazi" T.j said.

"That was y'all friend, not mine I barely know her to be real and she always acting like she don't really want to hang out with us anyway so like I mother fucking said I have all of my real sisters here with me this weekend and we about to turn the fuck up. PERIOD."

"PERIOD!" They yelled in unison. They soon left the hotel and headed to the mall, they walked into the shoe store and bought the same shoes. They took off the shoes they walked in with and switched them so they all matched from head to toe.

"I like matching this is fun" Judy said happily.

"Come on I think I hear the music already"

"The parade starts downtown"

"Oh shit we have to get a good parking spot" They found a close enough parking spot as the parade began, they watched all of the many people dance in front and on top of the floats. Everyone wore very vibrant colors while dancing to the music. People on top of the buildings were throwing down beads, someone must've noticed them cause Tokyo and Supa were grabbed first and pulled into the parade, the rest of us followed.

"This is fun" Amber said excitedly as they danced in the parade. Keisha was going live on Instagram as we enjoyed the parade. It didn't end for a while but when it did the Mardi Gras was not over.

"It's so much to do downtown, we on Canal Street" Supa said.

"It's this club we going to later tonight, it's around the corner"

My Dirty Little Secret || Jayceon Taylor and Amber RileyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz