Chapter 31

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Layla walked inside her dance class and sat next to her best friend.

"Hi Kenya"


"Are you okay?"

"Uh huh"


"... I'm gonna go sit next to Diamond today"

"... Oh, okay" Kenya switched spots quickly as Coach K stood up front, this was their first Majorette practice.

"Alright Layla come up here" she stood and walked up front, she could see some of the girls giving her bad looks.

"Today we're working on our moves and learning how to incorporate them in a routine. Realize, this is our only training day. I'm not going to accept "I dont knows" or "this is my first time" because your going to get them down today"

"But majorette dancing is hard" Marissa whined.

"I know, that's why we're gonna practice all day. It's a lock in" the girls groaned.

"Get over it, parents have been told ahead of time so they should be here any minute to bring your things"

"Now Layla as captain you always lead, you stand tall and face your opponent with nothing but fierce, understood?"

"Yes Coach K"

"Good. Everyone get in a formation" they did as told. They'd been dancing for 30 minutes when their parents showed up.

"Take a minute to visit with your parents before they leave again" each kid ran off.

"Hi Layla bug" Amber sat down in a chair and Layla stood in front of her with a frown.

"Oh no baby, tell me who did it?"

"Kenya doesn't want to be my friend anymore" Amber felt that things might be a whole lot different since yesterday.

"That's okay honey"

"Why is she being mean too me?"

"How is she being?"

"She told everyone and now people think I'm weird again" She started crying and Amber wrapped her in her arms. She turned to Mackenzie and saw the apologetic look on her face, she knew Kenya was afraid to be Layla's friend again, she was more so afraid to see a lifeless body again.

"It'll be okay, Kenya might come around she's just scared like you were" Layla turned face sideways, still laying her head on her mother's chest.

"Is mom okay?"


"When is she coming back home?"

"She's not"

"Why not?"

"She's moving out"

"Oh, is she coming to the new house with us?"


"Oh, where will she go then?" Amber honestly didn't know.

"She'll get an apartment"

"Okay, mommy why was your car on the news?"

"You saw that?"

"Uh huh, grandma kept calling daddy and grandpa was trying to calm her down"

"Mommy had a car accident" she gasped in shock.

"Are you okay?" She looked her mom in the face and Amber smiled.

"I'm good baby"

"Okay" she eyed her mother before for laying her head back down.

"Where is daddy?"

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