Chapter 26

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Amber sat in her living room looking at caskets and calling funeral homes so she could give her mother a proper burial. She had gotten a phone call from an unsaved number, but because it looked familiar she answered it anyway, maybe it was one of the funeral homes.


"Hi Amber" her father's voice came over the speaker, she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I thought me not showing up for dinner was a huge hint"

"I get it Amber I understand I messed up, I'm sorry but I'm trying to make things right"

"You can't, you can't make anything right. You missed everything, homecoming, prom and I was even on court, graduation and I graduated with high honors. You don't know none of that though cause you weren't there! I don't care about you coming into my life, but your not going to come into my daughter's life and be as absent as you was for me"

"Amber please I won't, I just need you to trust me"

"I trusted my father a long time ago to at least act like he had a daughter but he decided to start over"

"Amber please just give me a chance, I want to make up for my lost time. I know you'll probably never forgive me, I don't forgive myself for leaving you without a father all your life. I can't stress enough how sorry I am, but I'm sorry and I don't want you to think I don't love you or didn't love you because I do"

"... Benton" she pinched the bridge of her nose in contemplation.

"Please come to dinner tonight, bring your whole family even your mother and we can reconnect"

"Mom can't come"

"Why not?"

"She's dead"

"... W-What?"

"She's dead"

"What happened?"

"She had Alzheimer's"

"I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this alone"

"I didn't, my best friends and my fiancee have always been by my side"


"Yep, I'm getting married"

"Congratulations Amber"

"Thank you"

"... Will you come to dinner tonight Amber?"

"... Fine"

"Thank you, dinner is at 7"

"Your welcome" she didn't waste anytime in hanging up. There was a knock on her door and she went to answer it, she saw her friends at the door even Mazi.

"Hey y'all" she greeted, they all walked in and took seats in the living room like they lived there.


"Come on girl" Judy said.


"By the way, we're not putting mama in this ugly ass casket" Tokyo Vanity said and Amber finally realized they were there to help plan the funeral. She absolutely loved her friends.

"Girl I know you not looking at leather inerior" Raynell said.


"We passing on it, next"

"Let's put some music on its hella dry in this bitch" T.j said and Amber laughed but went to grab her speaker and put it on any album, immediately a Kash doll song began to play.

My Dirty Little Secret || Jayceon Taylor and Amber RileyWhere stories live. Discover now