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I posted earlier than I expected so I am really happy however, it's not a really great chapter or anything. More like a filler. But it's important for the story too so I hope you like it. =)

The banner on the side is by Effat8982. Isn't it awesome? I love it. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much. ♥♥♥

Song on the side---Moondust by Jaymes Young. The guy has the voice of an angel. Listen to it. =)

Enjoy ♥


Have you ever been to New York? Even if you haven't, I still want you to picture this. Okay, imagine you're walking down in the city and you see three people strolling down the place.

Did you imagine it?


Now, I want you to picture two of these three people wearing identical all size 'I ♥ NY' T-shirts, caps, wrist bands and back packs.

What's the first thing that you think about these people? Well, whatever you did, I am sure that it was exactly what the people passing by us as we exited the arrival terminal of JFK airport were thinking.

"Why god, why?" I muttered over dramatically and looking up towards the ceiling as I pushed my luggage. "For which sin am I getting this punishment for?"

"Did you just say something?" Nathan inquired turning around, even though we both knew that he head heard me earlier.

"Nope, nothing," I replied. "Silent as a grave I was."

Nathan didn't retort back, just silently carried on walking all the while having a smile on his face, not like it was something strange. The boy smiled a lot, even when he didn't have a reason most of the time. He was good at hiding what he really felt.

We waited on the sidewalk and the two men just enjoyed breathing in the heavily polluted air of the city until Nathan finally flagged down a taxi and giving me a break from my eye-rolling and mumbling.

The cab driver, a middle age man, whose looks told me he was from South East Asia, raised an eye as he noticed dad and Nathan's choice of attire, but then started loading our bags in the trunk.

"It's such a great feeling being here. I've missed it so much," Dad began as our cab started making its way in between the infamous New York traffic.

Since we had walked out of the threshold of our house, dad and Nathan had spare no effort in trying to sell me the idea of how perfect living in New York would be. I now knew of all the great violin schools in the area that prepared students for Julliard auditions, all thanks to Nathan who had spent all the flight on his making a list of them and telling me his views about every single one of them.

"You come here like every other week. How much could you actually miss it?" I commented, giving my dad a look. He completely ignored it.

"But you gotta admit there's no better place to call it home better than this," Nathan interjected, looking out of the window having a star-struck look in his eyes, which was obviously for show.

"Yep, messed up pollution level, no place to walk, and the people rude as hell," I enumerated but then shut my mouth as I noticed the cab driver giving me a stink eye. Feeling sheepish, I mumbled, "Sorry."

Okay, I'll admit that it was indeed a very beautiful city. Or maybe, beautiful wasn't the word. Different. Yes, it was different. It was in a league of its own. The bright lights, the energy, the never ending sea of faces of people busy in their lives, and the tall buildings with more number of floors than I couldn't possibly count without spraining my neck first. But I still couldn't imagine living anywhere else than Cassell Brook because even though our little town didn't have the kind of life that New York did, it still had my life there.

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