Day 14 - Best Friend (Royality)

561 14 1

C.W. Making out.


Patton bounded into the room, looking distressed. This immediately set off so many alarms in Roman's head, and he paused the movie he was watching.

"Are you alright, Pat?"

Patton crashed down next to him and stared at his friend with such strange intensity that Roman had barely ever seen before. "Roman, are you free today?"

"Yeah, why?"

Patton shrank back a bit, as if he was scared of what he'd have to answer. "My parents are coming for a surprise visit."

Roman raised an eyebrow and after a second, started chuckling. "That's all? Come on, I'll help you clean up."

As Roman started to get up, Patton grabbed his arm and pulled him back onto the sofa. "Ro, you don't understand. They expect me to have a partner and if I don't, they'll pester me about it for their whole visit."

He took a deep breath before continuing, completely oblivious to how red Roman's cheeks were. "If you could pretend to be my boyfriend, just for today, I'll... I... I don't know, I repay you somehow."

Roman took a second to ponder. This could be astronomically bad. He had a massive crush on Patton, and he knew that he didn't feel the same. The pros to this situation would be that he could hold Patton's hand, kiss him, pretend they were together, even if for only one day.

Then again, if he even got a taste, he was worried he'd get addicted, and he wouldn't be able to go back. If he tried to forget, to stay as friends, it would surely crush him. But currently, the pros were much more alluring. The cons were a problem for another day.

"Of course, Patton. Anything for you."

A grin spread across Patton's face, mirrored on Roman's lips, and he pulled Roman off the sofa. "Is it okay if we kiss while they're here as well?"

Patton's face paled and he looked away, awkwardly chuckling. "I probably shouldn't have said that as enthusiastically as I did."

"Don't worry, and sure. It kind of comes with the whole 'boyfriend' thing."

They stood smiling for a moment, before Patton came to his senses and ran off to start tidying up.


Ten minutes later, they found themselves back on the sofa. Roman had convinced Patton that he'd done everything he could to prepare the apartment for his parents' visit. They'd just finished going over their 'couple' backstory, dates and firsts, among other things. Now, they had settled into calm conversation.

Soon enough, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Patton flew up from the sofa and ran over. Roman slowly stood up, wanting to give Patton some space unless prompted to do otherwise.

Patton took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey!" A large grin spread across his face as soon as he saw his parents, forgetting about his previous worry.

"Patton!" His mother exclaimed, leaping inside and pulling Patton into a hug. His father followed suit, waiting for Patton's mum to pull away before embracing his son himself.

"Patton, who's this?" His mother asked as he closed the door.

Patton's stomach sank, remembering Roman was supposed to be his boyfriend. He turned around to see Roman standing just behind his shoulder, smiling nervously. Roman hesitantly wrapped an arm around Patton's waist, making sure he was okay with it.

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