Day 18 - Shapes (Analogical)

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C.W: Suicide, mention of death, crying, sexual references, small bit of spice, self-harm (I guess), swearing.


"Pat, have you seen Logan?" Virgil called out as he passed by the kitchen.

"No, why? Have you lost him?"

"Yeah, I don't know where he is."

Patton glanced at the doorway, seeing Virgil standing there. He had to look back at the window, though. He swore he saw something there. For once, his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. Surely enough, a figure was sitting on the beach, staring out at the ocean.

"Found him," Patton said, smirking as he looked back at Virgil. Virgil's eyes widened and he ran to the window, peering out into the darkness. The next second he was flying out the front door and sprinting across the road. He slowed to a stop only a few metres away from Logan. He realised he was probably out there to get a bit of peace and quiet. Not wanting to disturb his boyfriend, he turned around and started to walk away.

"Ah, Virgil."

Virgil whipped back around at the mention of his name, and saw Logan, twisted around, a light smile on his cheeks. He turned back around and gestured for Virgil to sit next to him. Virgil obliged, and sat on the sand, legs crossed.

After a moment of silence, Logan spoke up again. "Look at the ocean, Virgil. What shape is it?"

Virgil turned to look at his boyfriend, face contorting into a look of confusion, before looking back out at the ocean. "Uh... round?"

"Shape, dear."

"Circular, then."

Logan chuckled, reaching out to take Virgil's hand. Virgil intertwined their fingers and shuffled closer.

"The water had a volume, try again."


"But here's the thing-" Virgil knew Logan was about to get really intellectual, and he loved when he did- "the ocean is an irregular shape, meaning it has no set name. It's just... the ocean. It is unending and constant; the waves constantly ripple and crash, the sea bed perpetually changes, the species that call the ocean their home endlessly breed to continue making new life. You cannot assign one specific shape to it, because it is made up of so many, and none at all."

Despite having no idea what he was talking about, Virgil found Logan's words beautiful. Whether they came from reading so much poetry, or directly from his heart, Virgil only fell more in love with the man behind the words.

"That's beautiful, Logan."

Logan turned to him, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Must you refer to yourself in the third person, Dear?"

Virgil blushed and turned away, hiding his face. Even so, he leaned into Logan, resting his head on his shoulder. "I wasn't necessarily talking about the ocean."

Logan let out a breathy laugh and wrapped an arm around Virgil's shoulders, pulling him closer. "You cannot 'uno reverse card' a compliment."

Virgil burst out laughing. He pulled away from Logan, doubling over and falling onto his side. He hugged his stomach and curled in on himself, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes. He heard Logan join his laughter, snickering to himself.

"What?!" Logan protested, the dragged-out 'a' bouncing with his chuckles.

"Nothing, nothing..." Virgil wheezed.

Virgil soon pulled himself together and cuddled back into Logan's side. Logan laid down and pulled Virgil down on top of him. Virgil rested his head on Logan chest and entwined their fingers on one hand. His other hand rested around the back of Logan's shoulder. Logan had his other hand around Virgil's waist.

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