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"I still can't believe that you are making me go alone." Shay whined at Alex who was currently waiting for her toast to pop out of the toaster. "Couldn't of you just waited until you finished high school to get a full time job?"

"Oh shut up." Alex scoffed as her toast popped up. "You got everything?" She asked and Shay rolled her eyes.

"Yes mum."

Alex buttered both pieces of toast and handed one to Shay.

"Shit." She said as she noticed the time. "I'm gonna be late if we don't hurry up."

She rushed Shay out the door and soon sped out of their driveway with Shay on her bike that she had picked up earlier that morning from Mark's house. Shay held onto her school bag tightly with one hand and used the other to hold on around Alex's waist.

Once they reached the school Alex killed the engine and waited patiently for Shay to get off and take off her helmet.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" She asked and Shay scoffed.

"I'll be fine."

Alex spotted a group of girls near the school entrance that she noticed. She didn't hesitate to lift up her arm and pull the finger up at them as she smiled.

"Thanks." Shay said sarcastically. "I'll be sure to make friends now."

"Don't take anyone's shit, and if you see Evan, just remember-"

"I don't think he'll come near me. Not after what you did to his face."

"If he does, don't take his bullshit excuses."

"Yeah, yeah." Shay promised and told Alex to get a move on as the bell went.

She hurried inside and walked towards her old locker, unlocking it and placing some books inside before grabbing the ones she needed and heading off to her first class. As she sat down at a vacant desk, she readied herself for the class. She opened her book and got her stationary ready.

"Hey, Shay." A voice said from beside her. The owner of the familiar voice made her blood boil. She turned her head sharply to the side before spitting out an answer as politely as she could manage.


While Shay was sitting uncomfortably through her first class, Tris and Brad were talking through theirs.

"I'm an idiot." Brad said for the thousandth time that morning.

"Uh huh." Tristan answered as he tried to complete his work.

"I shouldn't of got pissed at her kissing," he lowered his voice knowing that James was in the class with him. "You know who."

"Yes Bradley." Tristan sighed. "I know."

"She probably hates me."

"Yep." Tris absently answered.

"I kissed her, and then freaked out. I thought she didn't like me."

"But she does."

"How can you be sure?" Brad pressed and Tristan slammed his pen down on his desk causing a small amount of attention being brought upon him.

"Jesus Brad. You got jealous of you know who because you like her. She got jealous of Kelly because she likes you. It's not rocket science. Just hurry up and kiss her again or tell her you like her so I can get on with my work."

With that Brad stayed quiet. The whole day he spent thinking of how he could get her alone and away from Alex, giving him a shot at telling her how he really felt. This time he would not hesitate at her liking him, instead he would tell her, kiss her if he could and not regret it. He was determined.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now