Thirty Eighth

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Brad found himself yet again in the familiar situation of helping Shay get dressed. Well, he wasn't really helping as such, he was instead watching her run back and forth across her room in her underwear. Shay was stressing out as she hadn't a clue what would be suitable to wear for dinner with brads parents. It had to be nice enough to leave some sort of upper class impression. Even in Alex's closet it was hard to find something that remotely looked expensive.

"You could show up in jeans and a leather jacket, it won't matter Shay." Brad tried to encourage her as she ran around Alex's room, still distressed as hell. Shay spotted something at the back of Alex's closet that she made a snatch for. She held up the conservative sundress and quickly pulled it on.

"Yeah right." She scoffed whilst trying to squeeze the dress over her bust. "I bet your parents would just love that."

"C'mon, don't be like that. I doubt they'll care what you wear. Now can we go? We're going to be late. I only said I'd be half an hour in picking you up."

Shay huffed out once she scanned her appearance in Alex's mirror. The dress was nice enough and probably costed more than what she'd wear on an average day. This would have to do.

"Well maybe if you had given me a heads up that you were coming early....." Shay began as she sped out of Alex's room into her own, returning out to the hall where Brad now stood. She quickly pushed the flats that she had grabbed onto her feet and held the silver clutch up against her chest, waiting for Brads opinion on the complete outfit. She made sure to pack his present into her purse before leaving, just in case she forgot.

"You know," he began talking as he stepped closer to Shay. "We're already late, what's another hour or so?" His voice became lower as his hands made their way to the small of Shays back.

"No way." Shay pushed Brad off of her, making him pout like a child. "I don't need another reason for your parents to dislike me." She brushed him aside and headed for the door, waiting for him to follow. He exhaled and shook his head.

"For the thousandth time, they do not hate you." He forced again as they made their way to his car after locking up the house. Even though the walk from Shays door to Brad's car was a few meters, he made sure that he held her hand the whole way. He hoped it brought her extra reassurance, which it kind of did.

Fast forwarding to the car drive and Shay still continued to stress. She continuously pulled down the mirror and checked her face, praying that her makeup hadn't sweated off yet. She regretted not taking time to do her hair properly, but figured that there was no use now. This was as good as they were going to get her.

Brad hummed whilst they drove and kept his hand on Shays thigh majority of the ride. He didn't like seeing her nervous. It made him feel bad, like he was setting her up for something horrible. Brad didn't know why shay was stressing so much. When they first starting getting to know each other, he told his parents all about Shay and they were excited for him. When they first met Shay they seemed even more ecstatic and kept on going on about how much they liked her. Little did Brad know that the more he talked about her, the more his parents worried. They felt as if he had kept the important details to himself in order to deceive them into liking her. Things such as where she went to school and where she lived seemed to be irrelevant to Brad, but everything to his parents.

They arrived at the large familiar house and Shay stepped out of the car eagerly. They marched up Brads driveway hand in hand and went directly inside, making Shay feel like she was somewhat intruding. He pulled her into the dining room where Gloria was at the large rectangular table placing cutlery strategically in front of each seat. She noticed Brad and Shay, and smiled at them before mouthing that his parents were in the lounge room. Shay was pulled into a second room and was met with Brads mother sitting on a cream coloured lounge chair flicking through a lifestyle magazine and Brads father standing over a desk.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now