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Upon arriving at his house, Brad tried his hardest to sprint upstairs with Shay and go unnoticed by his parents. His plan worked for the most part, that was until dinner time when his dad came up to his room to fetch him and found Shay and him cuddling. His dad was surprised to see company but invited her down for dinner none the less.

Shay was easily intimidated by both of Brad's parents. His father was a sweet man and you could tell he valued his morals strongly. His mother on the other hand, was a bit uptight and not as pleasant. She smiled at Shay from time to time and made light conversation, but even the dog could tell they were forced. Shay had recollection of the first time they met and she thought his mother liked her to a degree, but something surely was different now.

After the antagonizing slow dessert they both said goodnight to Brad's parents and headed straight upstairs. Shay tried her hardest to ignore the whispers from downstairs and she made her way up, but nothing could really take away from the fact that she felt very uncomfortable and unwelcome.

Shay wanted this to be the last time that she stayed here and she definitely didn't want Natasha to get to know her anymore than she had already let on. Maybe Brad told them about her kissing James? About her breaking up with him? The possibilities of her fuck ups were endless.

Yet again Brad begged for Shay to shower with him, but she was already on edge and refused again. She didn't want his parents to find her dirty or promiscuous. Shay's bad feelings were soon taken away when Brad scooped her up and snuggled into her, whisking them both into a peaceful sleep. Before sleep they both murmured 'I love you's' back and forth until the other drifted off.

Morning soon arrived and it was interesting to say the least. Brad was already up- well a part fo him was. Shay teased him and made fun of him until offering to take care of it, which only resulted in teasing him even more. They morning did not go the way Brad had hoped it would.

Because of their slight delay, they spent the rest of the morning rushing around trying to get ready. Shay got dressed in her regular clothes and comfy underwear and Brad dressed in his usual skinny jeans and plain t shirt.

They managed to sneak out of the house without being noticed by Brad's parents, as they were already at work. Gloria, the cleaner offered to make both Shay and Brad some lunch for the day but her offer got politely declined as Brad had already planned to get takeaway to eat with Shay at her school.

Soon enough they were both prepared for school and driving onto the freeway. Just as they reached the suburb in which Shays school was situation in, Brads panic mode was activated.

"My short story." he repeated slowly as his car came to a stop.

"Your short story?" Shay quipped up, reaching for her school bag in front of her.

"Yeah, it's at home."

"What's it about?" Shay asked casually, a yawn escaping her lips.

"Well," Brad cleared his throat. "There's this guy, and a really, really hot girl." He raised his eyebrows at shay who went a shade pink. She was expecting to hear a romantic story play out, but of course Brad was no William Shake Spear.

"And they get infected by this virus that makes them want to eat eachother's flesh off and-"

"Okay, I get it." Shay chuckled, covering his lips with her hand. 

"You inspired me." He smirked. 

"Maybe I can read it then?" Shay asked.


"Do you need it today or something? Why is it at home?"

"Well, it is due today." Brad nervously chuckled and lifted a hand to rake through his hair calmly.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora