Twenty Second

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Last night turned out to be quite the mission for Shay. She had to set aside her frustration and exhaustion to make sure her happy facade that she intended on putting on for her parents was believable. Her mother made dinner- (something Shay missed dearly as neither her or Alex's cooking was ever up to standard). Once dinner was cleared, Shay then had to give up her room and bed for her parents use and had to fall asleep on the couch. It wasn't as comfortable as her bed, but she had to deal.

Shay awoke with a neck cramp and a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She got up and tried to use the bathroom, but failed as it was occupied. She tried to make herself a cup of tea, but there were no tea bags left. So she went to have some cereal, which was also gone.

She stalked into her bedroom to grab clothes, not caring if she woke her parents. On her bedside table laid countless empty coffee mugs and a few bowls. Her father was softly snoring away and barely noticed anything. Shay turned her light on, grabbed some clothes and walked out. She walked into Alex's room where she laid asleep and got changed. She the packed her books and decided to walk to school. More than anything, she needed to clear her head.

She didn't really come to any conclusions about the night before on her walk to school and was prepared to dread the next 6 hours. She ignored everyone as she walked through the school and pretended to look through her locker until the bell went. The whole day, all she wanted to do was call Brad, hear his voice and hang up. But he didn't want to hear her voice, or so she thought.

Lunch was antagonisingly slow and she couldn't help but wish that Brad would show up with pizza like he had done only a few days before. But of course, she sat alone, just like she spent the rest of the day.

Finally, school ended and Shay started to walk home as quick as she could. She knew Alex wouldn't leave her parents alone.

"Hey, Shay!" Shay knew the voice and didn't turn around. Instead, she quickly grabbed her phone and texted James. The only person she could think would pick her up and not be going out of their way to drop her off.

From Shay😄:

I know this is random, but I desperately need a ride. I'm being harassed.

From James:

You better mean hypothetically.
I'm on my way.

"Shay." The guy caught up to her.
"Yes Evan." Shay groaned and turned around.
"Maybe now we could talk-"
"Why? Because Alex isn't here?" Shay snapped and refused to feel guilty about it.

"Shay, you have to know that I didn't know we were like that."
"Look," Shay said "I've had a really shitty past couple of days and I don't want you to add to the big pile of shit that keeps on piling up."
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry-"
"Stop apologising and please just get out of my face."

Luckily, James showed up on his motorbike a few minutes later and Evan quickly walked off.
"Being harassed huh?" James asked as he killed the engine and removed his helmet.
"Pretty much." She sighed and walked closer.

"Thank you for picking me up." She smiled at him and he gave her a polite smile back.
"It's okay." He said and handed Shay his helmet.
"Thank you for the other night as well, I'm also sorry about the whole-"

"It's okay." James chuckled again. "I'm just glad you still feel comfortable with us being friends."
"Are you kidding?" She smiled. "Of course I am, you've been amazing." She answered and put the helmet on. James didn't answer because it want exactly the answer he had hoped for.

"And I know that I can't just keep on running to you when things turn to shit," She began as she sat in the back of his bike and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Shay, that's what I'm here for." He forced a smile. He'd stay by her side as long as it's take for her to realise how good he'd be for her.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now