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"Where are we going?" Shay asked about a minute into their car journey.

"It's a surprise." Brad turned his head for a second as he spoke.

"You're so cheesy." She complained and Brad laughed before turning his head back to the road.

The sun was nearly setting and the car grew silent. Brad didn't bother turning on the radio, he wanted them to converse like a normal couple.

"Should we like, play twenty questions?" He suggested.

"Ew." Shay scrunched her nose up and Brad coudln't help but note that that was one of his favourite things about her. The way she scrunched her nose up.


"Kind of cheesy and cliche," She said and looked up at him.

"What about never have I ever? I spy?" Shay chuckled.

"We don't have anything to drink."

"We don't need anything to drink, we could just nod or say yes." Brad shrugged. She had never played this game before and even though she knew how to play, she was skeptical about it.

"I guess," She shrugged but made no attempt to start. Brad cleared his throat and sat up in his seat.

"Never have I ever, had a threesome." He smirked and Shay squealed.

"Brad!" She made an attempt to hit him.

"What?" He laughed back. "You're turn."

"Never have I ever," Shay thought hard, trying to think of something not incredibly lame to say. "Had a foursome." She grinned and Brad opened his mouth. She was trying to imply that she had had a threesome in the past, which she had not.

"Shay!' He yelled back.

"Joking!" She laughed and he tried to gently shove her this time.

"Okay." He finished laughing. "Never had I ever, been in love." He said simply and Shay blushed a tiny bit.

"Neither." She shook her head. "At least, I don't think."

"You don't think?" Brad snuck an eye brow raised glace at her before returning his eyes back to the road in front of him.

"Yeah, I don't think." She said again and shook her head.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"Never have I ever, dated more than one person at once." She said and noticed how Brad had slumped back into his seat. "No way." She said in disbelief and he did a guilty shrug. She felt a large sting in the bottom of her stomach and felt her previous assumptions about him find their way back in.

"I was sixteen and didn't know how to say no." He said and Shay tried her hardest to find the light in the situation and chuckle.

"Oh." Was all she said. Brad snuck another glance at her before making a declaration.

"Shay, I'm kidding." Shay suddenly felt stupid.

"Really?" She asked, more annoyed than anything.

"Yes." He chuckled and she hit him for the second time that night.

"You're an arsehole." She stated.

"I can't believe you think I did that." He said and Shay felt guilty once again.

"I barely know anything about your past-" She bit her tongue before continuing.

"We can change that." He smiled and abruptly parked the car. Shay hadn't been paying any attention and failed to notice that they had arrived.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now