Thirty Second

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The rest of the week went by quickly, and soon enough it was the weekend of the party. Shay and Brad were both at his house getting ready to go. Well, Brad was all ready- but Shay still stood in front of his mirror naked, and clueless as to what she should wear.

"I like the black one." Brad pointed to the black top that Shay had previously tried on. He honestly didn't really care what she wore, he thought she looked good in everything.

"Don't you think it's too revealing for a party?" She asked, holding it up against her body once more.

"Babe, there probably won't even be a party by the time you're done deciding." He teased, laying back on his bed with his arms around his head. He made sure to stay up high enough so that he still had a view of Shay.

"You're right." She sighed and quickly pulled the tight black crop top over her head. She then rummaged through her packed bag of clothes and found a black mini skirt to pair it with. Brad watched her intently as she slid into the skirt, the black material hugging her body so tight, Brad wondered if she could breathe at all. Shay then grabbed her bag and was about to walk into Brad's bathroom before he quickly jumped up and stopped her.

"Don't you think jeans would look better? I mean, that skirts barely screams 'comfort'." Brad tried to sell his argument as best he could. Shay stepped back with her hand on her hip and her eyebrow raised.

"The skirts high waist-ed." She pointed out. "And a lot more comfortable than skinny jeans."

"Yeah, but-" Brad was stumped for another comeback. As much as it pained him to admit his douche-bag tendencies, he failed to understand why Shay was going somewhat out of her way to get all dolled up. As far as he was concerned, the only person who she should be out to impress was him, and so far, he was already utterly impressed.

"But?" She asked again, noticing his face changed from affirmative to distressed. "Is someone jealous?" She cooed, finding his worrying amusing.

"What?" He scoffed. "Of whom?"


"Let's just go." Brad hurried Shay along, giving up on his plan to persuade her to cover up. He'd rather not be humiliated by his girlfriend. Shay laughed in victory as Brad pulled her down the stairs and into his car outside without saying goodbye to Gloria.

Shay wasn't exactly sure as to whose house they were driving to, only that it was one of brads friends. She had never really met nor hung out with any of Brad's school friends apart form Tris and James. None the less, she was yet again going to a party with him with an inevitable sense of foreboding. Considering what happened last time, who could blame her?

Without surprise they arrived at another large house, surrounded by various expensive parked cars. It was late, which meant that the party was most likely at it's peak hour. Shay couldn't  help but notice the familiar motorbike parked on the lawn in front of the crowded music ridden house. She exited the car and entered the house in hopes of bumping into someone and getting answers.

Before walking through the front door, Brad grabbed Shay's hand and lead her inside. Somehow Shay felt that Brad had seen the bike also.

"You sure you're okay with being here? We can still split if you want, I don't think anyone's seen me yet." Brad whispered in Shays ear as they entered what appeared to be the lounge room. Shay shook her head.

"I'm fine." She said that partly because she knew James was here and she needed to talk to him, and also because Brad nagged her to come and she knew he wasn't real on leaving any time soon.

"You're not uncomfortable?"

"No, mum!" Shay yelled back, pushing Brad towards the kitchen signalling that she was ready for a drink.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now