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Shay was trying to complete some homework that she was assigned over the weekend. Given that the wifi at her house kept on cutting out made it near impossible.

"Alex!" She yelled from her room, but gained no response.

Huffing, she got out of bed and ran into the kitchen expecting to find her best friend. Standing in the doorway of her fridge was a tall, slim brunette who hand nothing on but one of Alex's large t-shirts.

"I'm sorry." Shay said to the girl who smiled as she drank some orange juice straight from the carton. She was used to this scene by now.

"I'm Jenna." The girl introduced herself.

"Feel free to help yourself to the fridge." The brunette nodded. "And everything else." Shay mumbled as she made her way out of the kitchen. She walked to Alex's room and didn't bother knocking. Alex was sprawled across her bed, completely covered by the blanket.

"Alex." She whispered as she nudged the sleeping beast.

"Alex." She said a little louder this time.

"I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon." The brunette said from the doorway. "She drank a lot."

"Of course she did." Shay sighed and walked past the near naked girl. "When she wakes up, could you tell her that I went to the Library? Our wifi is shit." The girl nodded and jumped back into bed beside Alex. Shay walked out and closed the door behind her. Alex sure knew how to pick them.

Shay quickly threw her school books in her bag and headed for the door. The library wasn't too far from her house, and she had no choice but to walk it.

Shay took this time to reflect back on yesterday, and how Brad had purposely leant in to kiss her. She personally didn't mind a little public display of affections from time to time, but not in front of people. It made her feel as if she were making out with everyone staring at them, as if they were apart of the relationships also.

Shay tried to resist the temptation of going inside the coffee shop and getting her much needed and extremely craved, fix of caffeine. She shyly entered the coffee shop and lined up behind a few customers. Shay usually made her own coffee at home, but due to Alex's impeccable taste in thirsty women this past week, there's been barely any left for her to drink.

There was one person at the counter serving and the line was getting pretty big, so soon enough he rang a bell and another person opened up a line. She moved into the shorter line and stared at the baked goods through the glass counter, completely forgetting her order once it was her turn.

"Shay? Are you stalking me?" A voice said lightly as she broke her gaze from the donuts.

"James? What are you doing here?" She hadn't excepted to see him this far away from his apparent neighbourhood. Snobs barely came near this part of town. Not that Shay thought he was the least bit snobby, quite the opposite actually.

"Working." He smiled and removed his black work cap from his head. He raked a few fingers through his flattened hair in attempt to give it some volume.

"I didn't know you worked here." She admitted and soon realized that she was potentially holding up the line. "I'll just get a small coffee, black, one sugar." She smiled quickly and got her wallet from her bag. James went to make the drink and quickly returned with it in his hands. Once he handed it to Shay, she realized that it wasn't a small, that in his hand it had looked like one. She gripped the large cup in her hand and gave him a quizzical look before reaching for money.

"On the house." He shooed her money away and she rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." She said and put her wallet back in her bag.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now