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From unknown number:

Hey it's Shay.

From James:

Shay? Hows it going? :)

From Shay:

Alright, I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee?

From James:

I don't think Brad would like that

From Shay:

I think I need a break from my usual friends, need to socialize with someone new.

From James:

I get off in ten, meet me at the coffee shop?

From Shay:

Will do,


As Shay was retracing her steps on her way back to the coffee shop, James was trying to remember her coffee order. He wanted to have a drink ready for Shay when she arrived, he was trying to be thoughtful.

It wasn't the fact that James had a crush on Shay, he obviously found her attractive, but he refused to go after another guys girl. Even though he wasn't exactly best friends with Brad, he had respect for himself and could only imagine if the rules were reversed.


Was the only thing on both James and Shay's mind as they both spotted each other through the coffee shop glass. James was cooped up at a table with two cups of steam. Shay smiled at him once she entered the coffee shop for the second time that day, went over and took a seat opposite him.

"Hey," They said at the same time and laughed a bit afterwards.

"Thanks for meeting me." Shay spoke after taking a few sips of the familiar tasting liquid in her cup.

"My pleasure," He tried to say as less-flirty as he could. "Why exactly did you want to meet?"

Shay's eyes went a tiny bit wide and her cheeks a bit pink. Did he only come because she asked? Did he need a purpose?

"Not that I don't want to hang out, - I do." He covered up.

"I just needed a change of scenery, of people." She cupped her hands around her cup, the warmth kind of burning her skin.

"Well, I'm glad you texted me." He smiled. "That and the fact that I gave you my number and didn't receive yours. Now I have your number."

"Feel free to use it whenever." She took another sip. She liked this, she liked hanging out with someone who didn't know everything about her. He was normal, more normal than anyone she had met.

Shay hadn't remembered making friends like this in a long time, apart form her diner dates with Brad. This felt more easy and stress free than her hang outs with him. She liked Brad too much and was scared she might say something stupid and ruin her chances. If she did anything like that now with James it would be a lot less embarrassing and even laughable.

"So, How is Brad?" Shay bit her tongue and didn't know why.

"He's good, I just needed-"

"A break." He finished and nodded unintentionally.

"Kind of." She chuckled out of nervousness. "I just feel like maybe we rushed things? Because things got iffy well before we actually started dating? And I," She sighed. She never had a way with words. "It's hard to explain. I really like him and all, but I feel like we needed more time maybe? I don't know."

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now