Twenty Eighth

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To Brads dismay, Shay was already up, showered and ready to go by the time he'd awoken. School was honestly the last thing on brads mind today. What he really felt like doing was tackling Shay back into bed and sleeping all day, but Shay being the determined little shit she is, insisted on her boyfriend driving her to school and for him to attend his own also.

"Doesn't it look comfy?" Brad raised his eyebrows as he patted the surface of the bed. He was still wrapped up in the comforter, hoping that Shay would chose him over school.

"It was." Shay stated as she searched the room for her shoes. Her outfit wasn't exactly what she would have worn to school, considering Brad chose the items of clothing out of dumb luck hoping they'd be good enough.

"C'mon," Brad groaned and made a pouting face up at Shay who was staring down at him with her arms crossed.

"You come on." She leant down and nudged his body over. Brad groaned again and surprisingly rolled out of bed. He ruffled his long curls as he walked slowly over to Shay. He yawned before wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her from the back.

"At least take a shower with me. Help me get motivated?" His raspy voice whispered into her ear, causing her to shove him off and turn around to face him. She gave her boyfriend an annoyed expression with raised eyebrows. Brad quickly raised his arms in defence and quickly walked over to the bathroom finally deciding to get ready.

Shay was sitting on the end of Brad's bed by the time he got out of the shower. His hair was damp and water droplets kept on splashing down against his grey t shirt. He wiped at his hair attempting to dry it with a towel when he walked back in. He tossed it to the side before he fetched his shoes.

"You could have gone down and got breakfast." He told Shay as he laced them up.

"Nah." Shay shook her head casually. "Not hungry." Brad dismissed it and was soon hurried along by Shay when she spotted the time.

They both rushed downstairs in a hurry with bags and books in hand. Shay was glad that Brad's parents weren't home as she didn't get the best vibe from his mum last night. Hence why her appetite this morning was lost. They hurried out of the house and soon into Brad's car, all in good timing.

Pretty soon they were out the front of Shay's school and Brad was kissing her goodbye.


James was quite surprised to see Brad acting all cheery at school, considering the fact that he'd fucked up the best thing that had ever happened to him- or so James had thought.

Brad thought that he'd milk his winnings in front of oblivious James. So in fourth period when Brad was sitting next to Tris and about a table away from James and leant down to whisper ever so loudly about his girlfriend to his best friend.

Tris frankly didn't give a shit and wasn't listening. He had his own problems and didn't really feel like hearing about how good Shay was in bed or how cute she looked this morning. He never bragged about Alex like this, for a reason. It was cocky and fucking annoying.

Pretty soon enough, while Brad was in the midst of loudly telling Tris about Shay's cute laugh or something pathetic, he snapped.

"I-I don't care!" Tris threw his pencil down onto the book in front of him. "I swear, all I hear about is Shay this- Shay that. You're not the only one with girl problems, or a girl at that!" James glanced over at the table for the third time that morning, but quickly looked away. It wasn't any of his business.

This was the loudest Brad had ever seen his best mate. He was too up his own arse to see the fact that his best friend was hurting. And he felt like a complete dick.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora