Twenty Sixth

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"Hey," The boy said, walking over to Shay and taking a seat on the swing beside her. It was a baby swing so it was fairly uncomfortable, him being tall and lanky.

"I was going to bring my bike, but you were running pretty fast. I thought you were allergic to running." He tried to joke, and thought it was a terrible lame attempt until Shay burst out laughing.

"Oh, James." She half smiled. "You and your jokes." She kicked off the ground, making herself swing back and forth.

"I'm sorry that he found out." James remarked, he so badly wanted to add 'but I'm not sorry that we kissed'
because he wasn't too sure whether or not she'd regretted it.

"Yeah, me too." She sighed and wiped away at her now tear stained face. "We were just getting good, you know? Something always ends up ruining it. Maybe it's a sign? Maybe we aren't meant to be."

"Maybe you guys are," James tried to say some encouraging words of wisdom, the words tasting bitter and gross on his tongue.

"We can't even go a week without fighting."

"I can't argue there." James lightly chuckled, causing Shay to turn and look at him.

"You're a horrible best friend you know," She said though she didn't really mean it.

"Come on," James sighed and walked over to her, slinging her arm around his shoulder. "You're in no state to be saying things like that."

"You're still annoying." Shay poked at his cheek and he half carried her back to the house.

Once they reached the street of the house, James told her to wait outside a house a few yards away.

"I'll be right back with my bike and I'll take you home. Stay here, so you don't have to see him."

"Okay," Shay nodded absentmindedly and James left.

Shay watched him disperse back into the house, and wondered why he had gone in, considering that his bike was outside. She ignored it, figuring that he'd probably left his keys or something inside.

A few moments later she watched him exit the house, start up his bike, and ride over to her with his helmet held out, ready for her to take and put on.

They rode back to Shay's in silence and Shay made the decision to lock Alex out. She didn't feel like dealing with her right now and she knew she'd most definetly be staying with Tris anyway.

"Thank you, so much. This will be the last time that I'll ask you to be my personal taxi." Shay handed James his helmet once they had reached her house.

"I don't mind." He said and Shay looked away, swearing that she saw him blush.

"I could come in for a bit?" James wasn't planning on asking, but considering he didn't see Brad when he went back inside, he felt it kind of necessary.

"No, it's okay." Shay smiled smally at him before turning back to her house, soon turning back around to end their night less vaguely.

"I'll text you tomorrow, if that's okay?" She asked and he nodded. "Thank you again."

"Goodnight Shay." He nodded before speeding off into the distance.

Shay trudged back up to her place and opened her door that suspiciously was already unlocked. She walked into her darkened apartment and headed straight for her room.

When she turned the light on, she sure got a fright.

"Brad? What the fuck?"

Sitting on her bed with his head in his hands was Brad. He looked up at her immediately, his face and eyes both puffy and red. He sniffled loudly, now slightly embarrassed.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now