Twenty Fourth

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"I think you're actually getting better." James encouraged as Shay managed to kick the soccer ball in a straight line.
"Aren't I supposed to be helping you practice? Help you improve your game?" Shay asked as James chased the ball, soon kicking it back to her with one swift movement of his leg.

Shay was up again at the crack of dawn, practicing with James. Obviously she wasn't any good, so not much practicing was actually being done. Not on James part anyway.

"I don't think I need much improvement to be honest." He added cockily as he watched Shay struggle to chase the ball down. She gave up and let it pass.
"Oh come on! You were doing so well!" He teased and soon regretted it as Shay came bolting towards him.

He started walking out of the way and was surprised when she caught up with him. He started to pick up speed, making Shay actually try for a change.

Once she was close enough, she went in for the tackle and succeeded. She jumped on James' back making him tumble- ever so gracefully to the ground, Shay falling with him.

"You're so cocky, it's annoying." She huffed once she sat up on her elbows.
"Well you're so uncoordinated, it's annoying." He teased back once he sat up himself, making Shay shove him.

"So," She sighed.
"So," he repeated, soon jolting with what seemed to be remembrance or recollection of something.

"Hey, there's this party tonight, and I was just wondering," he paused but soon picked back up. "If you wanted to go with me? I was planning on heading down later after it's started, but if you wanted to go sooner-" he stopped talking at the look on her face.

"You're already going." He declared and looked away, slightly embarrassed.

"Brad already asked me-" She replied lightly.
"Brad?" He interrupted, confused. "I thought-"

"We kind if worked things out, I think." Shay said, she didn't like explaining things like this. She felt uncomfortable explaining, like the only people who understood their relationship was herself and Brad, that it would fail to make sense to anyone else.

"So I'm taking it that you chose him?" James declared and Shay sighed.
"No, it's okay." He waved her away. He wished he could do that with his feelings.

"I'm sorry-"
"No." He tried to chuckle. "As long as you're sure."
"I think I am." She mustered a smile.
"As long as you're happy." He repeated as if he were trying to convince her otherwise. He wanted to make sure, he wants her to genuinely be happy.

"Yeah." She looked at him and smiled. "I think I am, or I will be."
"Good. I'm happy for you then." James lied, but smiled anyway.


Shay spent the rest of the day with her parents. They we're due to leave after dinner time, so Alex- being the favourite theoretical child that she is took all three of them out to dinner. It wasn't a flashy place, but it wasn't trailer trashy either.

"Was I right, or was I right?" Alex burped as she downed her glass of water.

"You were right." Shays mum nodded as she finished off her plate of food. "The food was marvellous." Alex gave Shay a smug grin to which she gave Alex the finger. She was then scolded by both of her parents for doing so.

"Shay, we left all the paper work for schools on your desk in your room." Shay just nodded. "We chose three of them in London, so you can chose whichever-"

"If I get accepted into all three-" Shay began.
"Which you will." Alex cut her off. She was being all sisterly and it was pissing Shay off.

"Yeah." Shay scoffed and slumped back in her seat with her arms crossed. Her father gave her a sympathetic smile and luckily started conversing with her, saving her from her annoying best friend and her oblivious mother for the rest of the night.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin