Thirty Sixth

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"You know, net flicks and pizza are still on the table!" Brad yelled to Shay from outside the shower door. He had been trying to convince her to stay in tonight as an attempt to save his own guilty conscience. Shay of course was regretting her bold decision, but the way his eyes lit up when she said that she would go said it all. It did hurt shay a to some extent knowing how much these stupid party's meant to him and how little their time together did. But she always knew that he had good intentions.

"I can't hear you!" Shay yelled back, wanting him to stop tempting her to stay. He was already being annoying, begging for her to let him in the shower with her. She obviously refused as he was still somewhat on parole.

Once shay was done, she quickly rinsed off her body and stepped out of the shower to be greeted by Brad standing by with an open towel held out in his hands. Shay stepped into it and he wrapped it around her, refusing to let go once it was fully secure.

"I don't want to shower alone." He pouted as shay tugged her body away from his, releasing his grip on the towel.

"You should have thought about that before you got drunk and decided to talk shit." she shrugged, making her way over to the mirror. She stopped to take out her hair tie holding her dry hair out of her face whilst she showered. She untangled it with her fingers turning to Brad.

"Brush?" She asked as he tugged his clothes off, acting childish at her refusal.

"Bottom draw." He answered back, taking a step into the shower.

Shay decided to ignore Brad and grab the brush before going back into his room and getting changed. Just to grind brads gears further, shay decided to pack her- well Alex's most promiscuous clothing.

As Shay was mid way through changing into a black high necked crop top paired with a pair of short jean shorts, Brad came out from the bathroom, a towel wrapped securely around his waist.

He stopped mid walk before continuing, recognising Shay's actions as furthering his punishment. He walked over to his own set of draws, pulling out a shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

Brad watched her as she dressed, feeling a weird sense of distance between them despite being so close. Although during the past day most of the tension cause by the party had diffused, there was a new sort of distance now that they were attending another.

"I love you, you know?" Brad declared after finishing getting changed. Shay turned back around to face him, a small smile plastered on her face.

"I know." She smiled, walking closer. "And I love you." She nodded as she put both of her arms around Brad's waist, pulling him closer. "Now let's get this night over with."

Tristan and Alex had arrived at Brad's house half an hour later, and from there, they all departed. Shay rode with Brad of course, keeping the awkward conversations to a minimum.

"I promise, I won't get like that." Brad had promised shay whilst driving. "Not tonight."

"I can't stop you from drinking. You have a right to celebrate." Shay defended.

"But I can stop myself from drinking and being an asshole. And I refuse to put you in that position again," he promised, making shay feel even more on edge. Somehow deep down, she knew that his promise would be near impossible to fulfill. It was that small glimmer of positive possibility that made her continue to stay with brad. Shay just prayed that brad was different, that he was perfect for her as she had once hoped.

The familiar scene of a higher class teenage party was becoming some of a regular scene to shay. I guess that's what happens when you start hanging out with higher class teenagers. You somewhat become apart of them, apart of the cliche and the parties. This was yet another cliche that shay found herself attending. Despite it being a different house, the same groups of people seemed to linger about. There were the stoners standing out the front, trying to hide the fact that they were in fact, smoke pot. There were the hot girls acting drunk to impress the drunk guys who were honestly already impressed from their first sip. There were the outsiders coming in, such as shay and Alex. And last but not least, there were the drunks. I mean the total and utterly wasted nubes who were found either lurking the halls or outside in the garden, trying to hence convince others that they could handle their booze.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora