Twenty Fifth

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Shay dialled his number and it rang a few rings before he finally picked up.

"Hey," James said into the phone. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's just, you haven't left for the party yet have you?"

Luckily he hadn't and said an easy yes to picking her up. He was one of those people who once denied what they cannot have, will take what they can get. This was him taking what he could get.

It only took a few minutes before James showed up to Shay's house on his motorbike.

He put both of his feet down, holding the bike up before he removed his helmet and gave it to Shay just as he had many times before.

"I thought Brad was taking you?" He yelled over the engine, he didn't find the point in killing it if they were going to leave straight away.

"Me too." Shay huffed and shoved the helmet on, not caring if it ruined her perfectly curled hair. "Sorry that I dragged you into saving me again."

"It's okay." He shrugged and yelled back, Shay barely being able to hear him as he pulled the clutch and sped off. "I don't mind saving you."

They rode in silence to the other side of town before reaching the loud music ridden house.

They walked into the house together, but soon separated when James went to get drinks. Shay didn't really feel like drinking any more.

All she wanted was to find Brad and ask him why. She followed James into the kitchen first before going into another room to try and spot Brad.

Shay walked into the smoke filled lounge room and found Brad sitting in the middle of a lounge. James cautiously followed behind her, but respectfully kept his distance.

"Hey! Baby!" Brad yelled across the room when he spotted Shay. "Come over here!" He motioned for her to come over with his bottle of beer in his hand.

The tone and slowness to his voice indicated that he was in fact drunk.

She walked over, wondering if he had even remembered that he had promised to pick her up. He didn't look guilty or anything.

She walked up to him, stopping in between his legs. To her surprise he lifted her up and placed her on his lap. She uncomfortably sat on his legs sideways with her legs dangling near his.

She spotted James who was standing across the room with another bunch of people. He was watching them, Shay could feel it.

"This here's Shay." Brad slurred to the guys sitting around him. "She's my girl. She's hot hey? She's-"

"Brad." Shay squeezed him to stop him from talking. He looked at her and she tried to decipher what kind of look it was. It didn't look like a happy nor pleased one that's for sure.

"You forgot something," She
chuckled casually into his ear, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

Brad just looked away as if she had never spoken in the first place. "You should have told me that you couldn't pick me up. When were you planning on telling me?"

"When were YOU planning on telling me?" He shouted and slurred even though she was right next to him.
"What are you talking about?" She pulled her face away to look at him.

"That you kissed him." He nodded in the direction of James, then taking a swig of his bottle. James went wide eyed then stilled, holding the same mortified expression as Shay.

James took a few steps and started making his way over to them. He didn't want Shay copping all the shit.

"Brad, I-" Alex must of told Tristan, who obviously told Brad. Fucking great.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora