Fourty First

350 18 2

Shay woke up amongst two heavy bodies. She shifted on the soft surface, but could barley move due to the people either side her. Shay looked to her left and saw her best friend snoring away, her leg wrapped around her own. She then looked to her right and saw Tris doing the same thing.

Last night during the intense group hug shared between Alex, Shay and Tristan the pizza guy knocked on the door. Shay ate pizza, cried some more and fell asleep in Alex's bed while sobbing and talking with them both. Tristan was confused at why she was crying upon first entering the house, but soon caught on. He did what any good best friends boyfriend would do; he listened and handed her more pizza.

Brad on the other hand, awoke alone in bed. He had sped home after his little fight with Shay and argued with his parents about leaving and bolted straight to his room. He hadn't the slightest clue as to what was going on. His head cleared as the sleep slowly left his body and the torturous memories from the previous night came flooding back. He had basically outed his own girlfriend to loving someone else, and he felt sick to his stomach about it. Just thinking about James made his blood boil over with anger. Brad had plans for James when he next saw him, and he didn't give a flying fuck if James regularly went to the gym or not. James played the main part in this, because when Shay was with Brad, James was there as well making her fall in love with him.

Brad got changed and ready for school in just the right amount of time. He flew out of his house in fear of seeing his parents and left for school faster than he ever had before with rage and jealously on his mind.

Alex was the first to get up. She groaned loudly before making her way into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. Shay was well awake by now, trying not to cry again as the events of last night began to register. Tristan snored quietly beside her, letting our little quivers and sighs with each breath. If only Shay and Brad were more like Alex and Tris; they were by far the model couple. They barley ever fought (obviously because Alex was somewhat- okay, very controlling) and nobody ever tried to come between them. They knew where they stood with each other, which is something Shay knew for a fact that her and Brad would never master.

Tristan's eyes began fluttering open and landed on Shay. They snapped open suddenly and went wide, his body also sat up at a unanimous speed. He began to look around the room frantically, and Shay began to wonder why he looked so frightened.

"Oh, no no no!" Shay laughed whilst exclaiming. "We didn't....." Shay saw how relaxed Tristan became after her words left her mouth. He was scared of losing Alex even if he didn't do anything, it was because it looked like something could have happened. Shay wished Brad was this scared of losing her.

"I know, I just..." Tristan smiled softly as Alex entered the room, holding two mugs of coffee. She then did something kind of unexpected. This small scenario had been played out before, the one where Alex chose who to give her mug to. Shay was used to being chosen over Tristan, but today that was not the case. Alex walked over to her boyfriend, kissed him lightly and handed him one of the mugs. And it was one of the most cutest things Shay had ever seen, because her best friend was in love.

"School today?" Alex turned to Shay as she sipped her coffee. Shay just shook her head and snuggled herself further into Alex's bed.

"You should at least pack for tonight then, I'll take you to the bus station."

Shay let out a muffled 'okay' and tried to fall back asleep. Looks like she'll be going to London by herself, or so she thought. Alex then left Shay to take Tristan to school, leaving her best friend alone again.

Brad was on his way to first period when he spotted him. Over six feet tall stood that muscle ridden torso with tall hair and an uneven tan. Brads adrenaline began to pulsate around his body as he charged towards James, shoving him as soon as he got close enough. James was smashed into the lockers that he was standing at, but the force wasn't enough to make him fall. He pushed himself off of the lockers before turning to see what had caused it.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now