Thirty Seventh

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Shay contemplated whether or not she could run to the door and exit without being noticed by the woman. But to her dismay, the woman had already spotted her. Shay awkwardly stood on the other side of the kitchen counter, waiting for the older woman to speak.

"You must be Shay." The lady smiled grasping the mug of what shay assumed to be tea in her hands.

"Yeah." Shay swallowed. "I didn't mean to wake you, he was just-"


"Very." Shay nodded, feeling a bit as if she were betraying James by not covering for him. "I tried to get him in without causing too much commotion."

"Oh I was already up. Can't really sleep unless he's home." Shay admired her maternal instincts whilst the lady continued to talk. "He's lucky to have a friend like you." The woman spoke before shaking her head, smiling. "Sorry." She stepped out from behind the counter and walked towards shay with an extended arm. "I'm Martha, James' mum."

"I figured." Shay shook the woman's hand. "And I'm Shay, obviously."

"Yes, James talks about you all the time." Martha stated matter of factly without any sign of embarrassment for her son. Shays stomach turned at the thought of James mentioning her to his mum.

"He does?"

"Oh yes." Martha nodded, laughing. "You're very special to him. He's lucky to have someone like you, someone that'll take care of him when he's, um, intoxicated."

"Well he's a great friend." Shay scratched her arm, realising how long Brad had been waiting for her. "I actually have someone waiting for me, so I better go." James' mum nodded.

"Thank you for bringing him home safely." She said appreciatively.

"It's okay." Shay smiled. "Could you tell him to give me a call tomorrow when he's feeling better?"

"Will do." His mum nodded again.

With that, Shay departed James' house without having to tiptoe. Shay was surprised yet glad that Brad was still there waiting. She was more guilt filled by the fact that something had happened with her and James, but she climbed into the vehicle without worrying and buckled up.

Sitting in the car with thick awkward tension was making shay want to open the door and jump out into the ongoing traffic. Shay had the daunting feeling knowing what just went down with James, how they kissed and she knew brad had an idea as to why she was quiet. He did know something happened, and his thoughts were confirmed after asking shay her plans for the remainder of the night.

"Yours or mine?" Brad asked casually, praying to god that she'd say his.

"Mine, but without you." Shay exhaled, leaning her forehead against the window.

"What did he say?" What did he do was what Brad really wanted to know. The shitty thing was, he expected something to happen between them when they went inside together. He knew and yet he was just accepting it. He figured he deserved it, which he did not.

"Nothing, Brad." Shay sighed again, lifting her head from the window and staring straight ahead. "I just want to go home and I'm just not really in the mood for company."

Brad didn't answer, he didn't even loudly exhale from frustration. He just silently nodded and drove her home.

Shay was too busy replaying most of what had happened that night in her head to realise that they had pulled up outside of her house. Once noticing she unbuckled her seat belt and waited a few seconds for one of them to speak. When brad made no attempt to she opened her door and jumped out, Brad whispering,
"I love you," more for himself to hear than Shay.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now