Disney Decsendants Together (trigger warning)

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Megan is the daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow and the Granddaughter of Captain Edward Teague. She is currently dating Harry Hook. How will hardy react when he finds out Megan is upset over something Chad charming said. In this Ben is still dating Mal, Carlos however is dating Uma, Jay is dating Evie and Gil is dating Dizzy (we're pretending. Dizzy is only a year or so younger. For the purpose of the story.)

Also there's a section in the story with reference to self harm. Please do not ready if this will trigger or upset you in Any way.

Hey my names Megan Sparrow. I'm 18 years old. (As is everyone bar Dizzy 16 nearly 17 and Courtney just turned 16) Yep I'm the daughter of the wonderful Captain Jack Sparrow and the legendary Captain Edward Teague. I'm fairly short and curvy. I'm 5ft 3 and I have orange and black hair in and ombré style. I have 8 piercings 3 in each ear plus my lip and my septum. I also have 3 tattoos. On my ribs is the silhouette of the black pearl, on my wrist is a minimalistic skull and crossbones and last but not least on my shoulder I have the worlds it has been beautiful fight... it still is just under my scar. My scar is from wen my mother died. We were visiting grandad at shipwreck cove when all of a sudden a man came into our room and shot my mother in the back. He then came over to me and stabbed me in the back with his dagger just deep enough so I'd bleed out over time. He said he wanted my dad to suffer knowing I had suffered. The dagger still lodged in my neck when I was found. And was given to me as a sign of what I'd survived for my 26th birthday. I was only two at the time but those words still send me into a panic. If it hadn't had been for grandad hearing me scream I'd have died and the man would have got away with it. But luckily my grandad came running up to my room with his first and second mate. Whilst my grandad tended to me he ordered his crew to lock my attacker in the dungeons and leave him for my dad to decide his punishment. My dad ultimately killed him but chose a. More honourable route than the man did my dad chose a sword fight to the death. Since then my dad has been my main career and I was brought up on the black pearl even when we were trapped in the isle.

I'm currently dating Harry Hook and have been for around a year now. But before that I was best friends with Harry, Uma and Gil. All of us having spent the majority of our time growing up either on the black pearl or the misty lady. My dad taught is how to fight and man a ship. Where as my grandad taught us to how to read, whether it be maps, books or the stars we could read them thanks to him he also taught us about the pirates code. Since Ben brought more of us over he decided that my dad and grandad plus their crews hand been wrongfully punished as they had been fighting for the greater good. So he rescued them all and they were now mercenaries who sailed the world doing odd jobs and helping whenever and where every they could. Their main job was to keep the rest of the pirates in line. They visited me in Auradon every chance they got but I still missed them terribly. For my 18th birthday my dad gifted me a compass with was an exact twin to his. It pointed to what I wanted most. My dad always said that I'd get with Harry eventually because whenever I held his compass it always pointed at Harry no matter what. Anyway enough about me on with the story. I was currently sat with uma under the trees both of us desperate get some relief from the heat. Mal and Evie where in the cafe getting our drinks. I was so bloody warm after our sports class. I hoped the girls remember to get ice in my cold coffee. Me and uma were talking about the up coming ball. She was gushing about how Carlos and Gil had asked her and Dizzy to the ball this morning. Because they had a later class than me and the other girls they'd had a line in so the boys surprised them with breakfast in bed with the question wrote across their pancakes. I was very fidgety today because I was so warm probably because like s bad woman I still had on my suede jacket. As if she read my mind uma placed her hand on mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I was wearing my norms vk look. My orange crop top angled so you could just see the fishnet tights in the cap between my shirt and ripped jeans. On my feet I wore my custom pumpkin boots with my pumpkin chocker thrown on as well. Covering my arms you was by grey suede jacket which in the pocket had my compass in it. I had my nails painted like a spooky orange sunset thanks to Dizzy. My black and orange hair up in its usual high fluffy ponytail. My piercings we on display but my tattoos were hidden from view. I topped the look of with an orange smokey eye and an burnt orange lipstick. My school bag rested by my feet it's was a bat back pack from Evie's new collection. She was sending all proceeds of the new collection to the isle.

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