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Today I was on the Shuttle Galileo with Spock, Doctor McCoy, Scotty and three other people. I was in the in front of McCoy who had been instructed by our good Captain to keep an eye on me. It was really the only reason I was on this mission. Even though I had plenty of other work to do this for one reason or another seemed to take precedence. Everything was normal enough so far. "Position?" Spock asked one of the yellow shirts that was up front, the other was next to McCoy. Beside me were two people in red. Scotty and some lady I didn't know.

The man squinted as he read the position of our craft. "Three point seven. Sir, I..." It didn't seem quite accurate but I wan not a navigator. Instead the man Spock referred to as Mr. Latimer was told to make up his mind. "Sir, this indicator's gone crazy." It was to be expected in this situation. Seeing as we were entering a Quasar after all. If anything the magnetic environment was messing with our instruments.

There was also the radiation that we had to deal with. Which in this case was now increasing. The young man was told to stop the forward momentum, nothing happened when he did. By this logic the black hole in the center was pulling us in. "Galileo to enterprise. Galileo to Enterprise. Come in, please." The only thing he received was static.

I placed my chin on my hand. "Sir, if I might be so bold as to point out that our radio frequencies are more than likely going to be jammed. Considering how many radio waves a Quasar gives off. Without a direct line to the ship once our instruments start to be affected by the magnetic environment of a quasar it is more than possible for our communications to be affected by the radio waves as well. My best guess would be we are currently caught up in an ionic wave. We will be drawn to it, so I would suggest we prepare for a crash landing at best. At worse, our cells will be stretched into pasta as we enter the black hole."

Mr. Spock tried to raise the Enterprise a few more times. We were being pulled into the heart of Murasaki three twelve. Violent radiation was hitting the outer hull of the small craft. Current course, three point two five. The only thing to do now was wait until the Enterprise either got us out of here or we crashed. The ride was tough and we did end up crashing on the planet. I ended up slamming into Spock's chair and between the wall and my chair. I heard the electrical zapping of the navigation system. "You all right?" That voice belonged to McCoy. Must have started checking on the men to make sure everyone was in good health. I moved my left arm down so that it was under me, someone else's hand was on my leg. "Scotty? Yeoman?"

Starting to push myself up with just one hand was ineffective. So I reached my right up to the wall searching for something to grab hold of. There were a few steps behind me before I felt something solid to grab onto. Using this I pulled myself into a sitting position before trying to open my eyes. I blinked a few times noting that I was still moving, almost like I was being pulled up until my back hit my seat. "How's she look Spock?"

I scratched my brow with my free hand realizing I was holding onto Spock's arm with the other. I quickly let go so I could perform my own checks. "I'm just dandy Mr. McCoy. I won't be able to tell if I have a concussion until we get back to the ship, so I'll avoid sleeping for the time being. Will that suffice?" I watched him nod as he checked on Latimer. The man in the back asked what happened. "While I don't have any data on what happened I can suffice that the magnetic potential of the effect was.. Was such that as we gathered speed, it multiplied geometrically... making it to where we were essentially shot into the center of the effect much like a projectile."

Spock looked back to the crew. "I'd say your evaluation is reasonable, Ms. (Y/n)." I was unsure of what Spock was doing as my vision started to get a little cloudy. I blinked several times to clear it up before moving to assist Scotty with repairs. "Picturesque descriptions will not mend broken circuits, Mr. Scott. I think you'll find your work is cut out for you." I nodded listening to him try and hail the Enterprise again.

Emotionless: Spock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now