A day in the Enterprise

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I let out a deep breath, trying to relax myself. Spock was sitting across from me in my quarters. The lights were on the dimmest possible setting. Two days ago I told him that I had reconsidered his proposal about letting him see what happened that day. “All right, are you ready?” I nodded, settling back into my chair slightly. I still had no idea what was going to happen with this. He slowly raised his hands, his fingers slowly touching either side of my face. “You must tell me when you do not want to continue.” I slowed my breathing a little.

My eyes slowly closing. “I understand, Commander.” Slowly I felt my mind reaching back to the day it happened. It stopped at an image of my mother. Her long black hair was down, hanging just a little longer than mine was. Piercing emerald green eyes, that had this softness to them. Her thin oval shaped face, shaped by that hair.

Moving forward a little I could see my father. His tall, bulky figure masked by sharp features. His hair was brown, almost blonde, a short military cut with shaved sides. His face… no beard, but clean shaven. His eyes were a brilliant electric blue with a slight tint of grass green close to the pupil. He was wearing a soft smile as he held my mother's hand. His other engulfing my much smaller one.

I remember smiling as I skipped into the auditorium. I wanted to go to this lecture, but more than anything I wanted to spend the time with my parents. My parents were laughing as they watched me. When we finally reached the auditorium I choose a row close to the middle, sitting proud on my father’s lap. He had his arms wrapped around my shoulders trying to get me to stop bouncing.

I calmed when the man finally came onto the stage. This man had a red almost orange colored hair. It was long, and hanging in his eyes. I couldn’t make out their color from this distance, but assumed they would be a green color. I watched him speak, showing each and every image on the board. Giving real life examples for the techniques. Pausing every ten or so minutes to allow people to ask questions. When we reached the one and a half hour mark several men stood up from their seats and started walking around the auditorium.

It was a large space. And there were at least twenty of the hundred people standing now. They all had this deep brown hair with fierce chocolate eyes. Small murmurs broke out throughout the entire room. A woman next to us leaned over. She had long bleach blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. “What do you suppose is going on? I don’t remember there being something like this in the pamflet.”

I gave her a sideways glance, before turning my attention back to the stage. Three men slowly started to make their way up the stairs. “There wasn’t. I read the pamphlet from front to back. He never asks for volunteers either. I’ve seen three of his conferences and none of them had anything like this.” I muttered. I felt confused, and something just felt… off.

That was when I noticed it, I almost screamed the moment it happened. My body went rigid, my breaths stopped. No one was looking at what was going on, no one was looking at the stage. On the stage, one of the men had taken out a short blade. It was wrapped in hide, two smaller blades came off the sides, and there was a hole down the middle blade. He was walking right up to the speaker with it.

I watched as the red haired man held his hands up slightly, backing away slowly from the man with the blade. The murmurs in the room seemed to grow louder and louder as people spoke in confusion. My small hand rose to cover my lips, my hand tugged at my fathers sleeve. I didn’t even touch the sleeve when the first of the screams rang out through the room. The blade was sticking out of the speakers back. The man holding his shoulder before dropping him to the floor.

My eyes widened, my jaw dropping in horror. This was not part of the program. The man who had stabbed the speaker walked up to the microphone, tapping it three times before he started to speak. “I want everyone to drop to the floor. Behave and you will live. Fight and you will die.” He spoke with clear and concise words. But no one moved. “I said… Everyone get down! Now! We came from the empire and are here to demand new soldiers. It matters not how old, man or woman, just know that you will all be coming with us back to our ship.”

Emotionless: Spock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now