Don't Go

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With that said, Spock and Kirk made their way to Sickbay to speak with McCoy on the newest patient. "He'll have to be taken to a total rehabilitation center. Right now he's under sedation and heavy restraints. I intend to keep him that way until he's off this ship. We've also got (Y/n) back on ship's life support, and she's doing a little better. Her readings match Spocks under mental hypnosis at least. Whether that's good or bad, we'll not find out for at least another day."

Spock sighed in relief. "I would say his multitronic unit is in approximately the same condition."

Kirk seemed relieved. "That's exactly the situation I was hoping for. When I forced the M-5 to realize that it had committed murder, Daystrom felt that such an act was an offense against the laws of God and man. And the computer that carried his engrams also believed it." Spock wanted to know why Kirk kept the shields down on the ship. After all, logically, that is how one would bait a trap. "I was 't sure. Any other commander would have certainly followed orders and destroyed us, but I knew Bob Wesley. I gambled on his humanity." With that they walked towards the turbo lift. Kirk, and McCoy were going to go to the bridge. Spock was going to remain in Sickbay for awhile longer. "His logical selection was, compassion."

McCoy laughed at that. "Compassion that's the one thing one machine never had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. Care to debate that, Spock?"

Spock just shook his head. "No, doctor. I simply maintain that computers are more efficient than human beings. Not better."

McCoy wasn't done with him yet. "But tell me, which do you prefer to have around?"

Spock sighed. "While I believe your question is meant to offer me a choice between machines and human beings. And I believe I have already answered that question. I prefer (Y/n)'s company, doctor."

McCoy grumbled lightly before the doors closed. "I was just trying to make conversation, Spock." That said, the doors closed leaving Mccoy hanging. Spock turned from the lyft doors so that he could return to (Y/n)'s side.

Taking her hand in his he spoke. "You know, seeing Dr. McCoy's engrams on a computer chip would be fascinating. The amount of sheere illogic that would come from it would be amusing, don't you think, (Y/n)?" Of course he didn't receive a response to his inquiry. He squeezed her hand tightly in his grasp before pulling it up to his lips.

Dr. Mabinga chose that moment to enter the room. "Mr. Spock, how are her readings looking?" The man asked as he came to stand beside Spock. Placing his hand on the man's shoulder he looked at the readings. "Normal for Vulcan meditation levels it would seem. Let me see her arm please." Spock released her hand, allowing Mabinga to grasp it. Pulling the bandages free, he examined the burns. "Mm, the burn ointment is doing its job, that's good. And it would seem McCoy and Ms. Nevis managed to get most, if not all of the shrapnel. I'd say she has a high chance of recovery."

Placing her arm back across her stomach, Mabinga moved to leave the room. Before he could get too far, her heart rate spiked and respiration stopped. Spock got to his feet quickly and Mabinga quickly turned back to her in surprise. She had just been stable, for this to happen now... "Her concentration must have slipped. Mr. Spock, you must meld with her and instruct her to focus on breathing."

Spock nodded quickly, placing his hands on the side of her face, his forehead touching hers. "(Y/n), can you hear me?" In response he only got silence, still, he continued. "(Y/n), if you can hear me, you must focus. Please, calm down and bre-" He was cut off when his head began screaming. Images flashed in his mind, those of him lying on the Sickbay beds. Her father falling to the cold ground, Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and himself aged. Spock, killing Kirk.

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