I'm trying to work

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I was busy as usual, and heard there was some old guy from back the Sikh era. I didn't really seeing it affecting my work, I wasn't a historian. I did find the cryo chambers keeping them alive interesting. I would love to look at the suspended animation units but only seventy or so people survived. Not only that, but I had five other projects in the works. Perhaps I could get the captain to save me one of the units for closer study?

This gave me an idea. "(Y/n) to bridge." I pressed the communications speaker close to the door of my lab. I hadn't really ever used it. There wasn't a reason to. Talk about timing.

Spock answered me, so not really who I was expecting. "Bridge, Spock speaking. What can I do for you Ms. (Y/n)?" I pursed my lips slightly. Maybe I could ask him to see if the Captain would permit it?

Worth a shot. "Well, I've heard some rather odd things, commander. Concerning a Suspended animation chamber that may or may not exist. If it should exist I would love to study such a device, take it apart and put it back together, of course. I would love to do it now, but am currently working on five other projects."

There was a small pause. "You would like an operating one brought to your lab? One that when you are done with your current projects you can study in full after?" Smart man. Yet I remained silent, wondering how he managed to figure me out so quickly. "Ms. (Y/n), I cannot help you until you answer in the affirmative or the negative."

I cleared my throat. "Yes, sir. That is what I was getting at. Such a device would prove invaluable should it work properly, and be of some use to Doctor McCoy in the near future if used correctly." Again silence from his end.

I almost wondered if he wasn't going to answer this time. "I will speak with the Captain on the matter. If he should approve I will see to having Scotty remove one of the units for your lab. Spock, out." I felt my lips twitch slightly. Excellent, now then, I must get back to work on my current projects. There was some bacteria growing in a petri dish I needed to examine under the microscope and not any changes in. It was about that time of day at least, after that I would break for lunch and then feed my carnivorous plants... so much work to do.

When I got back from lunch I was not expecting what I saw. "Captain... to what do I owe the pleasures of having you in my lab not once but twice in a matter of a week?" He was looking at one of the carnivorous plants, it was singing to him, trying to lure him in for food. "Also, I wouldn't get too close to that one. She bites, sir."

His brows raised, before he slowly backed away. Noting the tray of food in my hands. "Well you see, Spock came to me with a very interesting proposal earlier. One that asked for you to have one of those Suspended Animation units brought to this lab. I was wondering where he got such an idea, when I Uhura told me that you called up the bridge. Is this true?"

I walked past him tossing some of the food to the plant he had almost gotten eaten by. "If I were to say yes, would that change your answer sir? I would have asked you, but you weren't on the bridge when I called. Dealing with our new guest if I were to imagine." I tossed a few more bits to varying other species I had in my room as well as one of my little pet projects. A small hamster that I found on one of the expeditions. She didn't belong on the planet so I had her brought on board and stowed away in my lab.

He seemed stunned for a second. "Well, no. It wouldn't change my decision, I was just surprised you called. That button has been collecting dust since you joined my crew. In any case, I have come with a proposition. I want you to come to dinner with this guest and engage in some, human, conversation. If you agree, I might be willing to let Scotty bring you one of the units after we reach Starbase twelve."

I should have known he would try to pull something like that. "I see. Formal attire I assume, Captain?" He filled me in on the details before taking his leave. About ten minutes before I had to be in the dining room I cleaned up the lab, turned the lights to their lowest setting and went to my quarters to change. When I arrived almost everyone was already there.

Emotionless: Spock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now