Wake up Call

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As soon as we beamed back to the Enterprise I went to my lab immediately. McCoy was trying to speak to me but it sounded like static to me. As soon as I stepped in I locked the doors. "He's... gone." I lifted a hand, looking at it blankly. "Yet I feel nothing. I've become an empty shell... and that promise he made with me.. Pointless. I should write up my resignation letter, there is no reason for me to remain aboard a starship. My only reason for being... was to be his science officer."

Looking up I walked straight to my desk and pulled out a board to begin my resignation. 'Captain. Given the circumstances I no longer have a reason to stay aboard this vessel. Without our previous captain, James T. Kirk, I no longer have an obligation to fulfill. Therefore, I am writing this Letter of Resignation. Please drop me off at the closest star base. Signed, (Y/n) (L/n).'

I placed the pen down and took the hamster from his cage. Setting him on the floor without his ball so he could run round while I packed up my research. All of my Viruses going in a small hand held cooler, my plants lined easy to carry containers. Even half complete mechanical projects were packed into boxes. It didn't take more than an hour to pack everything of mine in the lab.

Once that was complete I sat heavily in my chair, pulling out the singular musical instrument I had. I had taken my hamster as well, settling him in my lap to sing. "A king he was on carven throne. In many-pillared halls of stone. With golden roof and silver floor, And of power upon the door. The light of sun and star and moon. In shining lamps of crystal hewn. Undimmed by cloud or shade of night. There shone forever fair and bright. The world is Grey. The mountains old. The forge's fire is ashen-cold." I had just started When I felt something bite my wrist, its teeth small, almost needle like.

I looked down, my hamster had its mouth around my wrist... he looked... different. More menacing. When he pulled off of me, I saw the drip of green coming from small needle like teeth. I was in a state of shock. Not only could I not feel my arm, but my hamster wasn't a hamster. I didn't know what he had done to me but I just as soon grabbed his scruff and started taking a sample of the venom he'd injected into me. After I'd gotten enough I grabbed a new cage from him. One similar to the one I held my lizard in. Writing a quickly scribbled note I stuck it to the cage.

Taking the venom I'd gathered and rushed to my Spectrometer. It was going to take far too long to get the results and I didn't even know what the venom did. I just knew I had to start working on an anti-venom. With this in mind I drew two vials of blood. One I set next to the Spectrometer, the other I placed under the microscope. By this point I couldn't move my arm, so this definitely had a paralysis effect to it. My door dinged but I didn't dare open it. I needed to solve this current issue before my exhaustion overtook me.

I was already on the verge of collapsing as it was. Yet I didn't dare touch a stimulant because I couldn't predict its reaction with the venom. Blackness overtook my vision, swirling around it's hard to focus. Pulling my seat is close to the table as I dared I put my eye to the scope. Again the door dinged, slightly more intense than it had previously. I still didn't move. The cells in my blood were still red, but there were little green cells floating around. They seemed to consume the red cells they touched.

I bit by lip hoping what I was seeing wasn't what was happening. Then it felt like my arm was burning, I gasped in pain. My chair fell back, and I couldn't breathe. The dinging continued, again. This time I hit the switch under my table allowing access to the person on the other side. Just as I heard the door compresser opening I blacked out.

(Spock POV)

I walked straight into Sickbay as soon as I beamed back to the enterprise. "Doctor, I shall be resigning my position immediately, of course... so I would appreciate you making the final arrangements." McCoy was trying to say something to me, but now was not the time. "Doctor, please, let me finish. There can be no excuse for the crime of which I am guilty. I intend to offer no defense. Furthermore, I shall order Mr. Scott to take command of this vessel."

Emotionless: Spock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now