Chapter 38

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-Jaxon's P.O.V-

Can you guess where Rogue and I were at 9 p.m. on Monday night?

If you guessed at my bosses house, then you would be correct.

Rogue was physically shaking from nervous. The guy was already scared of our boss as it was, but tonight in particular he was losing his shit over the whole bandana incident.

I couldn't say I wasn't worried as well, but Rogue was convinced the boss would ring our necks, chop us into tiny pieces and scatter our remains for not retrieving his money.

Not only did we fail to get his money, but we didn't have the slightest clue to where it could be. Something you should know about the boss (even though it's blatantly obvious) is that he is a money hungry maniac. He would do anything for a simple $5.00 bill, so you can imagine how adamant he is about getting his thousands of dollars back that he lends out to people. Patrick Devonshire's "loan" was $400,000 dollars. There is no way in hell the boss would let that money go.

Rogue was on the couch chewing at his nail cuticles looking paler than Casper the ghost, so I decided to take a risk and grab him a beer from the fridge. "Drink" I demanded, tossing him the can. Rogue didn't even try to catch the damn thing; it plummeted onto the carpet. Rolling my eyes, I picked it up and decided to drink it myself. I was having a shitty night too, mostly because all I could think about was how badly I fucked up with Ava.

In my defense I really didn't think Gray would care about Ava working for my family. Gray is one of the most respectful guys I know, and would never treat Ava any different because of her job. Not to mention him and Ava seemed to get along well, so I assumed she would trust Gray not to tell anyone.

I still couldn't believe she overheard Gray and I's conversation about fucking my previous housekeepers. I had never regretted hooking up with them until now. I finally found a girl who isn't solely focused on my looks and money. She enjoys who I really am, my personality, my quirks, my interests. She seemed to genuinely want the best for me. Ava is a beautiful, intelligent sweetheart who deserved so much happiness, yet here I go stressing her the fuck out, making her think I was going to use her for a quick fuck.

I'll talk to her tomorrow and explain myself. She has to listen, right?

"Rogue and Devil, my favorite duo! How have you been boys?" The boss strode in, chest puffed, looking happier than i'd seen him in a long time. His trip must have gone spectacular if he's in this good of a mood.

"We've been good, sir" I responded. Rogue nodded, but he was gazing off into space. His face was plagued with worry. The poor guy looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown.

"Devil, your assignment is on the dining table, however we have a couple of things to discuss first."

My assignment? What about Rogue?

The boss plopped down on the couch next to Rogue, who tensed up in return. He looked like he even stopped breathing.

"Okay my boys, first order of business. The Crimson Blaze will be participating in a massive race this Saturday. The Snakes, and The Fallen Angels from Nevada will be there, as well as Jekyll and Hyde."

What in the hell...why?

"The prizes for the first three places of each race are absolutely essential to win. These prizes will elevate the Crimson Blaze to a whole new level. We'll be more powerful, rich, and feared than any gang on the west coast. Do you two understand that we MUST win as much as possible?"

"Yes sir" Rogue and I responded in unison.

"That's what I like to hear. As for assignments this week, Devil I only want you here tomorrow and Wednesday, then take Thursday and Friday off. I want you at the top of your game this Saturday. Am I understood?"

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