Why ?

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(A while later . A group of people walked in.  )

As Natsu and I was talking and getting to know each another a group of people walked in . A red-haired coverd in armor . A black haired man wearing nothing but his underwear and a blonde haired girl with a blue skirt and white t-shirt .

"Already flirting .....nice going flame brain . " The black haired man replied . "Do you wanna fight me ice princess." Natsu replied disgusted and mad.

"By all means, I love a good dog fight but can I ask you one thing (Natsu and the man looking at me confused .)Just please put a shirt and pants on .  Nobody here wanna see your wanna be abs . " I replied with a smirk and fold my arms .

"Natsumi . You just did it again. (scratching the back of my head . )You really need to work on you are 'out loud thinking'. " Mizuki replied and I just laughed .

"Oo whatever . " The black haired man replied and went sitting on a couch .

"Haha, frosty ! She got you good ! " Natsu replied laughing . "You just got burned son ! " I yelled laughing as I reach my hand in the sky to give Natsu a high five .

"Excuse me . " The red-haired women replied and folded her arms . Everyone looked at the women scared .But me and Mizuki stand there confused of why they look frighten .

"Hallo, it's Natsumi and Mizuki right ? " The women asked.

We nod our heads and I started to wonder what is gonna happen .

"Hey, I am Lucy . This is Erza and Gray . I already see you know Natsu . " The blonde haired said smileing .

"Sorry for our rudeness . We didn't mean to . " Ezra replied .

"If I may ask . Why do you think you are rude ? " I asked .

"Because we used the gas to put you asleep and brought you here . " Lucy said nervously laughing and scratching her head .

(Place a finger on my chin .)"Oo yeah now I remember . But ....why are we here ? " I asked confussed .

"Our guild master wants to see you . " Ezra replied . "For what ? Wait which guild are you anyway ? " I asked .

(Show his right upper arm to me and smiled wide . )" We are apart of the fairy tail guild . " Natsu replied smileing .

The most famous guild in magnolia . I heard many roamers of the guild before .

"Your master is Makarov Dreyar right ? " I ask and folded my arms . I look at everyone and they nod there head .

"Do you perhaps know why ? " I asked but Erza just shook her head .

That's weird ..but o well . I thought .

"But Drex why are you here ? " I ask as I look towards him .

"Oo well I am good friends with the fairy tail guild . Isn't that right pinkie ?" Drex replied smirking .

I look over to Natsu . He looked like an animal about to attack . I placed my hand on his shoulder for who knows why . But then he calmed down and look at me and smiled .

(Put his arm around my neck and starting to walk towards the door . )"Let's go fireball . It's not good manners to keep someone waiting . Right ? " He said and look down at me and wink an eye .

I looked at him confused and shook my head as we walked out and everyone followed .

I wonder ....why does this person wants to talk to me . It doesn't make sense . Oo well they seem like good people . I thought and smile .

(Sign.)"Drex . Get you hands off me . Pervert..." I said . "Nope." He replied with a smirk .

"Drex ! " I yelled mad .

And everyone around me started laughing ...

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