Fresh start

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(A while later.)

"Hallo .My name is Mirajane but call me Mira." A white haired with blue eyes said. "Oo hey. I am Natsumi .This is my friends Drex and Mizuki." I replied with a smile. "Oo I know. You three made quit a expression in Magnolia you three are quite popular. " She replied with a smile. "Why?" I asked a bit confused."Because you toke down the biggest assins guild. "She said.

" Oo right .Forgot about that." I replied.

Oo yeah I need to talk to Natsu about that. Just that it doesn't really interveer with our friendship. I thought and turn my head around looking for him. When I spotted him I saw him standing by Erza and Lucy with his arm around Lucy.

Wait are they dating? So what if they are it isn't even if I have a crush on him .But why do I feel so disappointed? But it doesn't matter now. I thought.

"Alright If you would follow me now its time for the exciting part. " Mira replied and started walking towards a table.

"What is it?" Mizuki asked. "Guild marks silly." Mira replied giggeling. "Oo thats pretty cool. Isn't it fireball?" Drex asked. But I just nod my head and smile.

"Natsumi is something wrong?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah why?" I asked as I nod my head but she just looked at me with her one eyebrow raised but I just shook my head.

"Okay dokie who is first?" Mira asked with a smile."Okay just show me where and what colour you want it in."She replied.

While she was doing Mizuki's and Drex's guild mark. I look towards Natsu. I felt so sad and disappointed for something I didn't understand.

"Okay Natsumi. Your turn. " She replied walking towards me with a big stamp and I just nod my head.

(Lift up my right arms sleeve of my shirt.)"In red."I replied and she nod her head. She placed the stamp on my right upper arm and stamp. "There you go. " She replied. First she looked at it a bit weird but walked of laughing.

"Okay that's weird."I said. " Hey fireball."Drex said and I turned around and then looked down blushing.

"Drex put your shirt back on again!" I yelled. "What? I wanna show you my guild mark." He replied.

"Oo." I replied laughing and look up.

His guild mark was on his left side of his chest in red. Mizuki's guild mark was on her left hand in black.

"Where is yours?" he asked. After he asked I showed him but then he looked he looked at me disappointed and turn around walking away.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked confused."I don't know but why didn't you put it on your hip?" She asked.

"That where my old guild mark was and I want to keep that in the past. It would just remind me of the past. And besides my right side Is my lucky side and I like red. Sorry I need to talk to Natsu quick." I replied and walked off.

"Hey Natsu can we talk a sec?" I asked."Oo sure what's up?" He asked as he came walking towards me."Like your guild mark it's like mine."He replied laughing.

"What?" I asked confused. But then he smiled and showed his right arm to me and then I saw what he ment.

"Oo thats cool." I replied laughing and he also started laughing.

"Oo yeah about the another guild. I am sorry you need to saw that. " I replied. "No swet .It's anyway better that you came out of that messed up guild and joined us. " He said smiling. "Isn't that right buddy?" Natsu asked Happy."Aye!" Happy replied smiling .And I nod my head smiling.

"Hey Natsumi. Why don't you three join us later. We are going later to one coffee shop then we could celebrat." Erza replied. (Everyone agreeing.)

"Coffee!" Mizuki replied with stars in her eyes. " Please fireball!" Drex asked with puppy eyes. "Well I don't see a problem in it. I love to." I replied with a sweet smile.

"Yes!" Natsu and Drex yelled at the same time. But when they realised it they pumped the heads and started to fight .

"Pff..idiots" Gray replied annoyed
"Shut it frosty!" Natsu and Drex yelled.

"Okay but now we need to go .Mizuki and I need to go and get on our apartment to see how is our moving going along and Drex also so we see you guys later then." I replied as I got my bag and phone and started walking towards the door.

"Just text me the time and place then we would get you there. " I said as I waved good bye.

"Bye see ya later!" Natsu yelled .

I just look down a the ground blushing a bit but smiling.

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