Thank you Natsu ..

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It wasn't long before we returned back to the Kamiya family house   . The moment we walk through the doors. There her little brother sit on a chair .Slowly Natsu putted me down on the ground as he made his way towards me.

"Hey yea kitty napper. You look better." I said as I smile. "Will that nick name ever go away ?" He asked sarcasticlly. I just shook my head no laughing and then he runned off to his room.

We walk to the living room. And there sat everyone looking worried until they spotted me and they started smiling.

"Nice job Not Sure." Misissu said giggeling.  "Oo just shut it would yea." Natsu said as he folded his arms across his chest. Will Misissu give him a evil grin.

Mizuki then stand up and came walking over to me and stopped before me. And she grapped my arm pulling me closer for a hug . I hugged her back because she was the only one that nearly understand the pain I was feeling and softly patted me on the back as a few tears sliped from my eyes.

*time skip *

It was late in the night and everyone went off to bed. I came walking out off the bathroom after I toke my bed. I walk over to my old bedroom and close the door behind me.

I went standing in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. The bruise on my left cheek was pretty sore. Unfortunately the white flame doesn't really work on small injuries only on deep wounds. 

I thought I buried these feelings away a long time again.  Sadness, joy, betrayed and love. All my old wounds of before is open again. And it's painful.

"Yo Natsume. May I came in?" Natsu ask as he opened the door. But I just nod my head. He came walkng in and standing behind me.

"Are you okay?" He asked sounding. "Hmm... I fine." I said as I nod my head. "Natsumi." He whispers softly.

I then turned around looking at him. He placed a hand on my left cheek and I placed my hand on his.

"Natsumi I am so sorry of what happened. Mizuki told me about the idiot. Now I wished I killed the bastard." He said in a discussed tone. But I smile softly as a tear rolled down my cheek. 

"Natsume. I know I am not your first love but .. " He said turning my attention to him."What Nimmy?"I ask as I look deeply in his eyes

"But I am preparing be your last." He said in a serious tone and look at me.

And that moment a smile with a lite blush appeared on my face. A smile of pure joy when I heard that and then I felt a pair on soft lips on mine .

Sadly I broke the kiss and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly.

"Thank you Natsu. " I whispered .

I am not the one ....who wants to hurt you .{1}Where stories live. Discover now