Confessed .

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(A few days later.)

It been a week since we joined the guild and we just finished a quest meaning I toke a job with Natsu, Mizuki and Drex. It was a simple quest not something major .It was just to collect a rare item.

Mizuki was walking in front of us all along with Happy I was walking behind Natsu who was busy whining about he is hungry and Drex was...

Wait where is Drex! I thought and turn my head seeing a portal behind me and a hand grapping my wrist and pulling me and then all of a sudden I was in a alley pushed against the wall but I luckily knew it was Drex.

"Drex where is the anothers?" I asked as I look up staring directly in his red eyes. "Don't worry. They toke the portal that went straight to the guild. We are just a couple of blocks away from the guild ." He said in a regular tone that I found strange.

"Umm...why aren't we with the rest?" I asked confessed."Natsumi there is something I need to tell you. "He said sounded serouis.

'Natsumi? Where is fireball this properly must be important that he call me on my name .'I thought.

" Drex what is it?" I asked sounding a bit worried. "I saw you and Natsu trying to kiss the another night." He said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Oo you did." I replied as I looked at the ground. "Natsumi look at me and be honest." He said and then I look up looking at him.

"Do you like Natsu in a romantic way?" He asked. "Where is this cameing from?" I asked trying to change the subject  . "Natsumi don't try to deny it we all know it's true." He aid making me look on the ground.

'It's the truth why deny it. 'I thought.

"But I don't care." He said making me look up at him as I heard those words. "What? Why?" I asked confused. "Because I know you are also in love with me fireball." He said and smile. "Where is this cameing from?" I asked.

"It is obvious. That night I teaches you how to dance.  The way you hold me and placed your had against my chest .Even your smiled made it clear." He said as he look down at my face.

Is this true...maybe I do like him but I am not sure. I would never wanted to give him that thought . I thought.

"Natsumi look at me." He said as he cupped me by my chin. " I just want to tell you. I don't care if you like or even love you I just want to tell you that you know. I love you Natsumi. I will always be by your side when you need me and support you .Not only just as a friend but hopefully more .And I am not gonna give up to try to prove you. Even if you date the guy or even marry the idiot . I wouldn't stop till the die your heart stop beating..fireball. "He said and kissed me on the forehead and stepped away walking into the streets.

" See ya later Natsumi!"He yelled as he walked away waving.

I still was a bit in shock. I knew he had a crush on my but I never thought it was so serious.

What now...I thought as I started walking back to the guild .

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