A night not to forget ..

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(A while later at the guild.)

As we arrived at the guild two tall men one with blonde hair and the other blue hair and he had a red tattoo in his face was standing standing outside waiting.

"Hey Laxus.Did you wait long?" Mira asked the blonde hair man. "It toke you long enough but it was for worth it." Laxus said with a smirk taking her hand and went inside. "Hey Erza...u-u..you look beautiful." The blue haired man said trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. "U-u...umm.. Thank you Jellal." Era said blushing and they went in.

"Wow..fireball you did it again. As hot as flames." Drex said with a smirk as he came walking over to us. "Thanks Drex but....just to makee clear. No." I replied as I look away."Black really blackie?" Drex said sarcastic."Hallo to you two idiot." Mizuki said and went inside.

I look up into the sky towards the balcony and spotted Natsu standing there deep in thought.

Wow there is something I never thought to see. But he looks very attractive that way .I thought and smile.

(Freaking out.)" Oo no!" I yelled. "What?" Drex asked confused. "I don't know how to dance with another person .I can dance without a person but not with one..what am I gonna do!?" I yelled freaked out.

"Natsumi I could teach you literally in one song." He said in a smooth tone. "Wait...you know I am a sucker for a red tax." I said as I point at his clothes.
He was wearing a red tax with a white shirt and red tie.

"Yeah!" He yelled laughing. "Okay but now on a serious note could you help me please?" I asked kindly."Yeah...lets go!"He yelled as he trapped my hand and storm into the guild to the dance floor.

(*Song : Mercy.*)

We arrived at the dance floor. He placed my hand on his shoulder and the my one hand and placed his hand on my hip. I blushed a bit but just hide it from him.

"Natsumi close your eyes." He said. "What! No!" I yelled."Just do it. I promise I will not do anything to you."He replied. "Fine." I said and close my eyes.

"Whoy do I have to do this?" I asked."Well that one time at the school dance we tried to dance but it didn't really work. That is when I knew you are not a follower more like a leader. So now if your eyes are closed now it will force you to follow my lead because you can't see."He said.

"Wow..that is actually smart." I said. "I know." He said and slowing started to move.

First I was a bit of balance and didn't know what to do when I started to pick up the rhythm he was moving in and move a long and placed my head against his chest.

He was so warm and I could feel his heart beat. It was strange I never really knew that about him even if I know him for so long.

"See it isn't so bad .Now is it?" He asked but I just shook my head no and open my eyes looking up at him and he just smirked and the song stopped and that's when we stopped.

"Umm...thanks it was good." I said with a smile. "Sure no problem fireball." He said and smiled. I nod my head and smiled and walk off to the balcony.

Just as I arrived I stop looking at Natsu that was standing there.

He had a black tax on with a white shirt and one button on his shirt was unbuttoned and surprisingly he wasn't wearing his scarfs.

"Hey Natsu you look...well attractive tonight." I said with a lite blush. (Turn around.)"Oo hey Natsumi thanks you look...(moment of silence and then he smiled.) Y-you look beautiful."He said with a smile.

(Wipeing a hair out of my face.)"Oo...umm...thank you."I said in a kind tone and went standing next to him.

"Oo...Erza told me it was your birthday today so happy birthday I hope you like it." I said as I handed him the red package. "Oi thanks." He said with a smile and open it.

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