The start of a new year ..

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A few months later

It's now been 1 year now since we joined the fairy tail guild. And just a few more weeks then it would be almost a year that Natsu and I have been dating .

Allot happened in that year good and bad . But the best was all of the good memories we made .

On Halloween Natsu and I went to a Halloween party dressed as a vampire couple . I thought it would be funny to act as a vampire and bite Natsu in the neck  but he was ahead of me . He pinned me against a wall and started sucking and biting me on the neck a bit and thats how I got my first love bite .

On thanks giving . The guild descided we should have a party . It was fun . Even if Drex stalked me as I walked around in my red firey bikini and Natsu that thought it was cool. Throwing me over his shoulder and jumping into the pool .Mizuki that just laughed at us but when I got out of the pool....she runned for her live because she knew I would tackle her into the pool that I gladly did .Katsumi and the idiot was also there. Like expected Katsumi and I had a good time while the moarn and I bumped heads ALLOT of times.

On chirismas we spend at the Kamiya house. Ms. Kamiya prepared a small dinner just for us. Everyone chatted , talked and laughed a lot. It felt good seeing all the smileing faces. I wasn't really sure what to get him so... I thought kissing around the corner would be a good present (hehe)He got me a box of my favorite chocolate along with a cute letter. He actually also said he wasn't sure what to gave me...and he thought the same as me. It was cute seeing laugh nervously as he was strachting his head.  It didn't bother me at all that he didn't get me something. It isn't the presents that matter but the love.

On new years I thought good of throwing a dance party at the guild. All the girls wearing tight ,short dresses. The boys that acted all bad while looking hot . Well not as hot as Natsu's flames thats for sure . But the dance turned into the biggest dance show down .Boys against girls. Like usual It was me, Mira and Erza. By the boys was Drex, Jellal and Laxus. Yeah I gave Drex quite a hard time keeping up with me. After the last time he teached me how to dance I decided to take a few dance classes but who knew I would be kicking his ass that hard. But also I enjoyed it seeing him beg and just "flirting" a bit with him nothing much. Erza and Jellal danced beautifully. Mira and Laxus was dancing but more like talking .Natsu was getting jealous at a point and joined in . He bumped Drex out of the way and cutted in. It was so cute when he is acting childish. After the dance Natsu and I decided to stand outside on the balcony looking at the fireworks because it was almost midnight . Slowly as the time moved on the closer Natsu and I moved closer to each another looking at the stars before it begins. Slowly I started to gaze up to look Natsu in the was. Damn it that smirk of his makes me just wanna kiss him ( I gotta plan. Hehe) He looked down at me and place a hand on my cheek and one on my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck placing one of my hands behind his head pushing him closer to me as I stood a bit on my toes. I closed my eyes as our lips was inches away from each anotherThe moment the fireworks started I felt his warms,   soft but yet firm lips on mine.

What beautiful start for a new year.....

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