Sad memories part 3

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One day after school I headed over to a small shop to buy some sweets and after I did I walked out of the shop but I heard a familiar voice screaming in pain around the corner and something just told me I should go over there and look ..

But what I saw was unforgettable and terrible...

There he was leaning against the wall with a bleading stap wound on his stomach and the man he did it stood there looking at me with a smile and he was covered in black clothes and had bright red eyes that frighten me more. It was the eyes of a killer and he just turned around and dissapeard into the shadows of the dark alley.

"Are you okay?" I ask panic and sit down next to him and placed his head on my lap looking at his injuries."I am fine Natsumi. You should just go he can came back anytime. "He'said as the blood slowly dripped out of his mouth." No I am not just gonna leave you like this." I said as I shook my head with the tears forming in my eyes.

"Natsumi....don'the frighten I toke care of everything and I will be always right next to you in spirit." He said and placed a hand on my cheek and coughed blood. "No! I still need you! You can't go! No " I yelled as the tears streamed down my cheeks. "Natsumi you don't need me  . You are strong you could do this...carry on without me please life for me." He said and smile kindly. "No I am not gonna let you go so easy. " I said as I grapped a piece of broken glass and cut my hand and the white flames appeared and placed my hand on his wound but it didn't seem to work.

"Came on! Work! " I yelled and cried louder. "Natsumi. Natsumi!" He yelled that brought my attention to him. And he pulled me closer for a hug.

"Please be happy everyday Natsumi. Keep on going. One day you will meet people who would love you for who you are and doesn't care what happened in the past but never let the past get you down. But now it's time for me to go. Thank you." He said with his final breath as I huged him tighter and nod my head and whispers the words "thank you." In his ear smiling.

A few weeks pasted when I found out that he really did take care of everything. He payed my school bills and made sure that I had a future and left me behind a lot of money so I could take care of myself. And I knew the person who killed him was the same person that killed my family so the person was more like targeting me. Just waiting when I am on my weakest to attack but I didn't care. The thing that was important for me is to keep everyones promise and not to let them down.

Yes I was sad. The feeling hurt like hell but I kept going smiling even if I felted like to cry. And kept quiet when I wanted to scream. And not to show pain even if it hurt like hell and barrier my feeling and emotions away.

A few months past. I remember one day I stepped into the class when I spotted a short blacked haired girl. Her name was Mizuki Kamiya. For some reason she saw something in me. She was a quiet girl and very smart and talented. But I always seen the another side of her. Brave, fearless and a crazy person. I always told her that but she never believed me except the last part .And she always had this one friend right next to her .The silver, hyper active Drex who was a crazy person and in a way very perverted .And we became best friends ever since.

After a few months they caught me on streets baring inside the trash because I didn't had any money anymore. So I searched for food to eat. When they toke me In and raised me as their own. I never told them anything I
Of what happened. Not because I didn't trust them but because I didn't want to put them in danger..

I am not the one..
To hurt anyone....

I am not the one ....who wants to hurt you .{1}Where stories live. Discover now