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(The next morning.)

(Opening my eyes."Ouch...my back is killing me."I said as I open my eyes. Blinking them one or twice when I realized that I fell asleep like this last night.

"Oo well now I luckly know I don't need a bed to fall asleep but a Natsu." I said laughing."No wait....(eyes widened and my face turned red.)What did I just say!" I yelled and fall over because I lose balance when I freaked out.

Slowly I lift up my head staring over the couch to look if I waked him up.

"Thank goodness." I said relieve.

I placed my two shoulders on the couch and just stared at him as he was sleeping.

"I would never had thought you had a peaceful side." I said laughing.

But still that what I just said moments ago. I think it's true. This was the first time I fell asleep like that. I thought.

"Uggg....what's going on with me !" I asid in a confused tone and stood up leaving the room with my arms above my head and walk out of the room.

(Walking back but standing at the door looking in and look at him sleeping.)"That weird when I was sitting next to him he looked so peaceful but now I am away now he looks like a octopus. With his legs all twisted and his arm laying on the ground."I said and turned my head looking confused.

"Natsumi don't say that it's ridiculous!" I yelled to myself walking out of the room like before."I got to stop talking to myself people would think I am crazy. "I said and stop." But that is what makes me so hot!"I yelled laughing.

"Natsumi what are you talking about?" Happy asked behind me and yawn.(jump and kick.)"Aaa..cat. I mean Happy why are you awake so early ?"I asked nervously.

"I am awake because Natsu kicked me off the couch. Now I have a boo boo." He replied rubbing his butt. (Pick Happy up.)"Don't worry you could sleep on my bed for a while I take a shower. I would wake you when breakfast is ready."I said as I place him on my bed and pat him.

"Aye." Happy replied he snuggeld him in the blankets.

I stepped into the bathroom locking the door and the off my clothes but just before I got into the shower I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself.

"For how long have I been doing this. Standing in front of the mirror every morning dragging my fingers over this mark. Just the bad memories of how I got this repeating. And jet I can't tell this to anyone." I said.

I got into the shower and the warm water came pouring over me. I look up at the ceiling and my fingers combing in my hair and close my eyes.

"Will this memories ever go away?" I asked myself as I open my eyes.

"That is not gonna stop me! I gonna be the best!" I yelled with a wide smile.

So I grapped the shampoo bottle and started to wash my hair.

I got out of the shower and stretched in relieve and grapped my clothes to get dressed.

I put on a pair of blue jeans with a white top and a pair of my most favorite black boots and put my hair in a braid.

(Walking out of the bathroom. )"Okay now it's time for breakfast."I replied smiling wide heading to the kitchen.

*Time skip. A while later almost done with breakfast*

I was sitting by the table with my phone in my hands and with my glasses on just typing on my phone.

"Hee! Good morning." Natsu said leaning over my shoulder."Oo..good morning."I said smiling and placed my phone on the table."Are you writing a novel?"He asked childish.

"Yeah." I replied laughing nervously."Cool let me see !"He yelled as he leaned over to grap my phone. "Aa no!" I yelled as I jumped up with my phone.

"Please!" He asked in a begging tone."No!" I yelled. "Natsumi why do you have four eyes?" He asked as he tilt his head."No I don't I just have glasses on ....idiot."I replied but then he grapped my phone.

"Hee hee! I got it!" He yelled laughing holding it in the air. "Hey give it back!" I yelled as I jumped up to get it."Nope."he said laughing."I am gonna kill you!"I yelled."You can try..but I promise nothing ."He replied .

"Umm..whats going on here?" Mizuki asked as she entered the room."Umm..nothing."I said as I jump up and got my phone.

"Okay Natsu we are going town to get this .Breakfast is ready. When you leave please just lock the door oo and Happy is on my bed sleeping." I said as I grapped my bag.

"Pff...lucky bastard." Natsu mumbled."What was that?"I asked. "Umm..nothing." He replied quickly.

"Well okay we are going. See ya later. Bye" I said and waved good bye as we exited and he nod his head smiling .

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