Covering The Famous Host Club!

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(y/n)'s Pov

"Welcome back, ladies.", we greeted our guests in the garden, wearing old, traditional clothing.

After the greeting everyone entertained their guests. This time even Kyoya spent time with his, instead of writing in his notebook.

I stepped to Haruhi as my guests were talking more to each other about me than with me. "Hey Haruhi, already got used to the club?"

"I guess I'm finally getting used to this. Took me long enough.", she answered and I chuckled. "It's been a long time since you started the Host Club. So I guess it's natural that you got used to our craziness."

"Haruhi, (y/n), duck!",
Tamaki suddenly shouted and we turned around to see a baseball coming right at us.

Tamaki threw himself at Haruhi to push her out of the way as I just took a step to the side, making the ball miss me.

"Hikaru!", Tamaki stood back up and glared at the twin. "You came this close to snuffing out the light of Haruhi's life!"

"Hey, it's your fault for not catching the ball in the first place, boss.",
Hikaru said back and Kaoru agreed with him. "Yeah, who knew he'd be so bad at kemari? So much for him being the Genji of Ouran academy."

Tamaki grew a tick mark.

The three boys got into an argument that led Tamaki to wanting to prove himself. "You think so? Well, check this out!", Tamaki was suddenly in a soccer outfit and kicked a ball at the twins in high speed. "Starlight Kick!"

"What?" "So fast!", the twins were shocked and stepped to the side as the ball few at the academy building and the two waved after it. "Take care of yourself! Bye."

The ball crashed through a window and we all went to check if it didn't hurt anyone. To our dismay, it landed in the room of the Newspaper club and had hit the president.

"Really, we're terribly sorry about that.", Tamaki apologized to him.

Haruhi worked on to gather up the shards with Mori and Honey watching her and the twins read the newest issue of the newspaper while Kyoya was standing beside Tamaki. And I was leaning against a wall, watching the scene.

"Don't worry. It's no big deal.", the president of the newspaper club, Akira Komatsuzawa, spoke to him. "Could've happened to anyone, right? Just a ball flying through a window and hitting me upside the head."

"Please accept our apology.", Tamaki bowed before him.

"Well, this works out perfectly. I was just thinking about approaching the Host Club about a cover story. I don't suppose you'd be interested.", Komatsuzawa wondered as his two members were standing at each side from him.

"I didn't know we had a newspaper club.", Haruhi spoke up.

"It's more gossip rag than newspaper.", Hikaru told her and Kaoru added. "Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles, and junk like that."

"It's just a lame gossip rag that specializes in stirring up scandal.",
I summarized and the twins spoke in synch. "And everyone knows it's all lies, so nobody reads it anymore."

"You know, I guess we have kind of lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing in more readers." Komatsuzawa looked down ashamed. "It's a shame we're just now realizing our error. Now that the paper is at risk. We finally realize what we should have been reporting to the students of Ouran."

Tamaki gasped by his words and Komatsuzawa stood up from his chair and bowed before us, along with his two members. "Help us, please. For our last paper of this semester, we'd like to do an up-close special edition revealing the charms of Ouran's Host Club members. I'm begging you. Without your help, our club will close."

"You can count on us. On behalf of the
Host Club, I...", Tamaki spoke up, but Kyoya shut him up, pushing Tamaki back. "We'll have to decline."

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