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"You did what now?" Molly asked fuming. Ron stuttered helplessly in front of his mother. Boy was she pissed and that was never a good thing. Quite the opposite, actually, and Ron was about to get a lashing that was ever so clear at the moment. Even Arthur had pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. 

"Ron, I know you dislike Draco, but civility is always best when dealing with slytherins. Even from families we don't like, we most certainly don't accuse them of cheating and cause them to run off!" Arthur nearly shouted his thick headed son.

"Even if he has cheated, which you would have known as you were watching him the entire time that you were playing, you should have calmly questioned him, instead of shouting at him how dumb can you be??" Ginny added. 

"Great, now my own sister is against me." Ron muttered under his breath hos allies list growing shorter and shorter by the second. He was not particularly fond of that fact either. 

"Damn straight!" Ginny shouted in anger at her older brother. Ron stared wide eyed at hos gentle sister cussing at him. Even more shocked that nobody reprimanded her for her language. 

"You know Malfoy's been through a lot, and all he's tried to be is civil and unobtrusive, the only time he's lashed out is to protect himself from prejudice, yet for some reason, you see no reason to act the same. He was invited as a guest into this household, yet you have been treating him horribly. I am deeply ashamed of your behavior." Molly Weasley chastised. 

"That boy had been nothing but kind and civil and yet you have been nothing but cruel and awful to him. I cannot believe that you would stoop so low as to burn a man when they are down. I thought you were a Gryffindor, but you are clearly more coward then brave." George sighed shaking his head. 

"I am not a coward!" Ron denied vehemently. "He's just not friendly. Nobody can get asking with him!" Ron watched as he saw his older siblings shake their heads sadly at his horrid form. Perhaps he has been a bit rude. But his pride kept him from admitting that he was wrong.

"Really?" Percy got into the argument now too. "Really because it sure seems like it. Draco is trying to better family relations, all of us have gotten along with him except you." Percy said hands folded across his chest and gaze disappointed. 

"If anything, it would seem you are the unfriendly one. Hell, Draco has helped around this house more than you have and he's barely been here a few weeks. He's been kind, courteous, and everything a representative of a ancient and noble pureblood house should be, putting aside prejudice, and point term hate, to try and assimilate to us, get to know how us Weasly's do things, and try to better the bond between our families. As every Pureblood Heir should, and yet, you have behaved less than a servant in a dung-hole. Thank goodness you are not the heir of this household or we would all be screwed. The hatred and greed has blinded you. We are Gryffindors, purebloods. We have spent ages trying to clear our status as bloodtraitors among the courts without forfeiting out core moral values. Prove to everyone that none in the weasley family are bloodtraitors, and yet, you are acting exactly like one. Instead of trying to change and accept what the house leaders have decided, you have gone more than out of your way to dismantle what the rest of us have being trying to build. Which is a friendly relationship with the malfoy head of house. If we were old fashioned family we would excommunicate you from the family line for whet you've been doing and how you have been acting." Bill said. 

"This family..." Arthur began softly. Ron, at this point was pale and trembling. Fearful of what Bill had spoken may just come to pass. "Has been extremely lax on all of the pureblood traditions, and court rules, and society rules and norms. It is no wonder that most pureblood families see us as bloodtraitors. We have not taught our children how to behave in wizarding society, believing it unnecessary." Arthur looked extremely distraught at having to say this next part.

"But I think it is time that we change that." Molly nodded. 

"As of tomorrow, you will all, except Bill and Charlie, be enrolled in classes. You will take them all, go to them all, and so help me if you fail even one thing within all the courses you will get a lashing beyond your wildest dreams." Molly glared at her younger children. 

"Why don't bill and Charlie have to do this?" Ron asked unable to believe good mother would, actually force him to take pureblood society classes. 

"Because, they are over age that we can order them, but more so because they are the only ones who know anything about societal norms." At this Percy was extremely offended.

"I work in the ministry, mother." 

"That is very different, Percy, you still know nothing about wizarding society, and therefore must still go. Do I make myself clear?" Arthur growled out. Everyone took a small step back. Arthur was rarely angry, but when he was it was not a good sight. 

"Yup, got it. We..."..."understand perfectly, dad." The weasley twins assured. 

"Good. Now, does anyone have any idea where Draco may have gone?" Molly asked, still tense with anger at her youngest son.

"I would assume back to the malfoy manor." Percy said. "The way he said take me there seems to indicate that is probably where he went."

"There is no way we will get within the malfoy manor that place is a death trap to anyone not invited in." Arthur groaned. 

"I will go." Fleur stated.

"WHAT???" Bill shouted in shock. "No, no no no no way. You could for, painful and horrible death."

"I am a Veela, he will begin to feel a comforting connection to be, which will be added benefit. Veela have calming effect most times, but he is just coming into inheritance. Alone at time like this can be bad. Very very bad. He needs an anchor, I will be able to help anchor him as I am veela too."

"You could get hurt." Bill whispered anxiously. 

"He will not hurt me." Fleur said shrugging her elegant shoulders. "I will go." With that form statement, she apparated leaving the weasley alone.

"Better get packing boys, I'm signing you up now." Molly said without as hint of empathy to their whines.

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