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What did you want to talk about?" Draco asked, visibly annoyed hands crossed over his chest, and his eyes holding her gaze defiantly. He did not know why he was listening to the blonde girl, he could only chalk it up to the fact that he was not on his normal state of stability. His emotions were all out of wack. Probably for various reasons, so many things happened so fast and he was not entirely certain how he should comprehend things. Not that he really cared to, but he was fully content to ignore everything until he was unable to ignore them anymore. 

"You are a veela, Draco." Fluer said, not caring to mince words. It was best that he know as soon as possible. If he did not already figure it out. He may have been informed of his heritance by Lucius but she doubted it. Lucius was not one to really speak on such things. 

Draco sighed, glanced away, trying to avoid her eyes. As though he were ashamed, even though there was nothing shameful about being a Veela, it was a gift. Well, Fluer thought so. She did not doubt that Lucius would have twisted that as well for the boy.

"I know," He whispered lowly. "I sort of figured. It is not hard to know these sorts of things, and my mum sort of...hinted to it before father..." His voice got caught in his throat, he sighed heavily at the thoughts which entered his head before refusing to speak on them. He shook his head softly at Fluer. "It does not matter." He said simply. he turned his gaze back up to her. "Even if I were it would not matter anyways. There is nothing to it, and nothing to do about it. Forget about it. It does not even concern you anyways."

"Yes," Fleur said, her voice had a pleading edge to it. She needed him to understand. He had to come with her. "It is a big deal." Draco narrowed his eyes into a glare. "Draco, dear, it is very important. You are a Veela, you are going to be getting instincts that normally you would not have. It is dangerous, and you need to learn how to handle them."

"I am fine." Draco growled, narrowed eyes, not liking what the girl was implying. He was perfectly in control of himself, this woman needed to calm down and leave him alone, he just wanted to be alone. He was not entirely certain why everyone seemed to convince him that he needed to do this or that, it was tiring and he was sick of it.

"Draco, you may be fine now, but you won't be in a few days, hours, who knows."

"Well what would you suggest."Draco defiantly asked, glaring at her with visible anger.

"Let me take you to the Veela community. There, you can learn how to handle your instincts, and the new things that you are going to be experiencing." Fleur really wanted to make sure that Draco was safe. 

"No." Draco said simply. He was honored that Fleur was worried about him in such a way, but he was annoyed that she thought that he would be incapable of handling himself, he was perfectly capable of dealing with whatever came his way. he did not need her taking him to some secret community thing.

"Draco," Fleur seemed to sense his annoyance, and frustration seeping through his body.

"What?" He glared. 

"It is important. I know you think that you can handle these things all by yourself, but I do not really think you can. I want you to be safe, and a veela transformation is not safe to deal with alone, by yourself, and it is life-threatening for the person in question. I do not want you to be unsafe, and I do not want you to be unhealthy." 

"I am perfectly capable of handling myself without some Veela community." Draco spat, unnerved by the questioning.

"I am not saying that you are not, I am merely suggesting we go to the community. It would be easier. Draco you do not have to deal with everything by yourself. And you certainly do not deserve to be forced to deal with things alone either." Fleur pleaded, she really, really wanted Draco to be okay. She wanted to make sure that he was safe, and it would be best to return to France, and from France take him to the Veela community.

The Veela Community was hidden from the rest of the wizarding world for a reason. They were dangerous, Veela were, and only the highest veela stayed within the community. the most dangerous ones. One dangerous to themselves, or dangerous to others. Those who start their transformation tend to go there to be stabalized, and learn how to control themselves and their powers. It is not an automatic thing. Veela do not just know what they need to do, they need to learn and practice. And it takes time, often a lot of time. it was dangerous. 
The Veela Community had royalty, just like England Muggles had royalty, and similar to how the Wizarding world has a ministry-the wizarding form of royalty. These are those who take the main decisions for the veela way of life. They were the ones who determined who needs further training and who does not, they were the ones who started the school in France. Draco had to go there, she needed to ensure that he understood the neccesssity of this.

"Fine." Draco grumbled annoyed after another hour or so arguing. He gave up. He did not really want to deal with this scary transformation by himself anyways. It was way too nerve wracking to deal with, and he had no idea what he was doing. It would be better to leave it to those who knew what to do, and apparently, according to Fleur, he was safest there in this random community thing. So, he agreed. Not for a lack of arguing. He did not really want to leave, but at the same time he did. Hopefully, he did not regret this decision.

Draco's sufferingWhere stories live. Discover now