16 // Real Life + Instagram

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When I could see the person that was sniffing, I recognized her body figure. It was Delainy. And she was all by herself, crying.

A lot of questions went through my mind

Why is she crying?

Why is she alone?

Is she crying because of me and Sammi?

Does she even care about me?

Should I go talk to her?



I decided to man up and walk up to her. She looked devastated and all I could think was that it's my fault. I'm the reason why she's crying.

I stood in front of her, not saying anything. It took her a while to see me standing there. But once she did she just stared at me. I stared right back at her, which made the whole situation even more awkward. We remained silent for about 3 minutes. But it felt like it were 10 long ass minutes. I didn't know what to say, but just when I wanted to say something she said "What are you doing here?"

"I heard someone crying, so I thought I'd check up on that person." is all I could get out of my mouth.

"Does checking up on someone mean staring at that person for 5 minutes to you?" She answered.

"No no, knowing that it was you just took me off guard." I quickly said.




"You can go back to your girlfriend now. I don't want to ruin your night."

I was mad at myself for saying that. It kinda just slipped out of my mouth. As much as I hated to see him with someone else, I wasn't going to let him know that.

Seeing them together made me big mad and hurt my feelings. A LOT. I'd be lying if I say that I don't have feelings for him. He makes me feel things I've never felt before in my past relationships. Here I am, balling my eyes out in a club where you're supposed to have fun. I've never been this jealous before.

At first there was this awkward silence. I think Zion noticed it so he broke it.

"You know damn well that ain't my girlfriend."

"It sure looked like it. Or is she one of your toys?"

"You really think I'm like that?" His face dropped and I could see that I somewhat hurt him by saying that.


"Where is your boyfriend tho?"

"Probably dancing with some other girl." I shrugged.

"So y'all are a thing?"

"No we aren't. Why are you so worried?"

"Nothing.. the two of you just seemed really.... close."

"Of course we're close. We're friends."

"You dance like that with all of your friends?"

Just when I wanted to answer, Jay interrupted.

"Are you ready to go home?" Jay asked.

Zion looked really confused. "Go home?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"Yeah. She's spending the night with me." Jay then answered.

"Oh." I could see the sad face Zion made and it kinda made me sad too. It made me wanna hug him. But then again, he's the reason why I was crying. 

Without saying anything else to Zion Jay and I walked away. Well Jay grabbed my arm and pulled me out the club.

2 months later...

That was the last time I saw Zion or heard from him. Nothing changed for me the past two months. Aside from the fact that I started going on dates. I've went on several dates but none of my dates could impress me. This was a way for me to get my mind off of Zion, but instead I kept comparing them to Zion. With Zion I felt something I can't describe, a spark I guess. My dates really did their best, they were gentlemen but as much as I hate it I only wanted one guy. And that was Zion.

Jay and I are together a lot which makes people think that we're dating. Jay sometimes even acts as if we are, but I've learned to just ignore it.



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Dbrown Food has been the only way to keep me somewhat happy these past 2 months 😢

View all XXX comments

Leyaaa My bitch looks like a mf saintttt 🥶
> Dbrown ILY BISHHH <3

Justzf Yoooo swing by the crib tomorrow
> Dbrown Bet
> Leyaaa I'm coming too
> Justzf I don't remember invi- nvm 💀

Beanzfam Wait isn't that when you and Zion stopped talking?

Lainyfangirl We still need the tea on the lil situation you and Kuwonu had 🙂

Elomkuwonu Is that my wife?
      > Leyaaa Get your underage ass out of
          her comments 💀

Kuwonuwhore Zion made you that sad huh?
      > Pmzion She's Just another hoe that's
          seeking for attention 🙄
          > Dbrown Damn you got me 😂

Humroy 🥵🥵

Humroy I think you meant Jay and food* 😌
> Dbrown ughh maybe you're right 🤒

A/N: Thank you for 9K ready my loves 😁🥰

(Lil Durk - No Label) Today's song has nothing to do with this chapter but Issa bangerrrr 😝

YOU, ME, WE? • Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now