17 // Real Life

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A/N: I really LOVEEEE you guys 🥺 we went from 9K to 14K reads since the last chapter 😳😝 this is crazy!

Enjoy reading this chapter <3


Leya and I are going to have a sleepover today cause we haven't had a girls night in a minute. We haven't been able to do much together, even though we live in the same house. I took a fast shower, put some pajamas on and made my way over to Leya's room. When I knocked on the door it took Leya a good 5 minutes to open up.

Well I thought Leya would open up but to my surprise someone else opened the door. Someone I'm really familiar with. I covered my eyes with my hands, because it seemed like he was struggling to put his pants back on.

"Okay... this is awkward." I managed to get out of my mouth dragging the Okay.

"I was just leaving." He said and quickly walked past me.

With that being said he left and I walked into Leya's room and closed the door behind me. When I closed the door, I immediately turned to Leya and waited for her to say something.

"So what do you want to do?" Leya asked completely ignoring what just happened, acting like nothing happened.

"We are not just going to ignore the fact that Nick just came out of your room, putting his clothes back on AND it took about 5 minutes to open your door." I'm sure even the neighbors heard me yelling that. But you can't blame me, I was in shock.

"It just happened I guess... and I wanted to tell you, but the whole situation between you and Zion made it hard for us to tell you guys, considering that they're friends."

"It hurts that you kept this a secret from me, but I get where you're coming from." I answered, knowing what position she was in.

"So we're good?" Leya asked.

"Of course we are!" I said while going in for a hug. As we were hugging I whispered "was he good tho?" In her ear.

Leya cleared her throat and things got awkward really fast... I pulled away from the hug and could see how red her face was. That's what she gets for not telling me shit.

"Anyways, I'm hungry." This was probably a way for her to change the subject, but I was hungry too so I didn't mind. She'll have to explain her situation with Nick another time.

"Me too! I'm starving."

Leya went to the kitchen to get us some snacks, while I stayed in her room to pick a movie. After about 5 minutes Leya came back. Empty handed...

"Girl, you better be hiding them snacks behind your back." I said with a concerned look on my face.

"We might have a slight problem."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Well we don't have no snacks, I ate all of them."

"You better be playing."

"I'm not."

This means that we have to go to the store to buy me my snacks... These are the moments where I love having a car. Cause I ain't walking to the store.

I put some shoes on and grabbed my car keys. I don't care that I'm wearing my pj's all I care about right now is my snacks.

Leya put her shoes on too and walked behind me. We got into the car and Leya immediately put her playlist on. It actually surprised me how many prettymuch songs she has in her playlist.

It took us 10 minutes to get to the store.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you in the car." This girl really had the audacity to tell me I had to go in there alone, when she's the one who ate all my snacks. Funny.

Without having to think twice, I dragged Leya out of the car. We walked inside the store looking like two hobos. I just hope I don't see anybody I know, cause I forgot my sunglasses at home.

"You better have some money on you cause I ain't paying sis." I said to Leya. She rolled her eyes and said "what if I don't?" I rolled my eyes back at her and walked to the drink section. I didn't know if I wanted some alcohol or soda so I just grabbed both.

"We forgot to grab a cart. I'll get one." Leya said.

I just stood there, waiting for her to come back with the cart. But she was taking forever. So in the meantime I decided to take a picture and post it on my Instagram story.

I was about to go look for her when if felt someone tap on my shoulder.

"Finally! It took you forever." I said being relieved that I didn't have to go look for her. But I was completely wrong. When I turned around I saw him. Standing really close to me. The tall, Canadian, handsome dude I haven't seen in a while.

It was Zion.

A/N: Next chapter will be based on lying by PRETTYMUCH themselves so stay tuned for that 🤩

Today's song is actually a Dutch song (since I'm from The Netherlands 🇳🇱)

On the road - Idaly

Hmu if you want some dope Dutch artists to listen to!

Instagram: @//kuwonu_imagines

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